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AAC Implementation Framework: Step 1, Determining the Target

February 13, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Implementation Framework: Step 1, Determining the Target

Today, we continue our series sharing an AAC Implementation Framework for classrooms, featuring guest author, Vicki Clarke. In her initial post, Vicki shared the contours of the framework. In this post, she digs into the specifics, with prAACtical strategies and downloadable forms that you may find helpful. Don’t miss the video at the end. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AAC 101 Steps of Learning: Step One- Target In Step One, we will be determining which words and messages we need to specifically target for instruction. We often complete the step, not only for targeting specific words and messages, but also when we are first designing the AAC system that our students will be using. We will use three techniques to choose our target words and messages: Consider which words and messages are important to the individual student, their family, friends, and teacher. We will be asking all of these partners for their input as we... [Read More...]

AAC-friendly Resources for Black History Month

February 9, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC-friendly Resources for Black History Month

Here in the US, we’ve celebrated Black History Month each February for several decades. It’s a time for learning, reflection, and celebration. Today, we’re reprising a past post with resources that can be incorporated into your AAC teaching or therapy. Learn with BrainPop and BrainPop, Jr which offers videos, writing and drawing activities, graphic organizers, worksheets, jokes, and more. Brown vs Board of Education Civil Rights   Fannie Lou Hamer   Harriet Tubman   Jackie Robinson   Jim Crow   Malcolm X   Martin Luther King, Jr   Mohammed Ali   Reconstruction   Rosa Parks   Ruby Bridges   Slavery   Tuskegee Airmen From BrainPop Jr   2. Read “The Poet Diaries,” a guest post by inaugural National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman. View a video of her reading her poem, Rise Up as One, California. 3. Explore a virtual exhibition at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday: AAC-friendly Valentine’s Day Resources

February 2, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: AAC-friendly Valentine's Day Resources

It’s prAACtically Valentine’s Day so we’re reprising this past post with AAC-friendly resources for one of our favorite holidays. Valentine’s Day, a celebration of love and romance, is just around the corner. We’re keeping up the tradition of sharing ideas for an AAC-friendly holiday so that you can focus your attention on the supportive strategies that facilitate AAC learning. Take a look. Have fun with this animated PowerPoint poem, 5 Little Valentines, from Bloom.   Print and send these Valentine’s Day cards from CoughDrop   Valentine’s Day Is Here: Enjoy a video sing along with the Swingset Mamas Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR2S1AanFmFOY-W42JGdsuloRizrpmEE9e-YcrqU_Aqmo4McFJpqRfDnokY&v=Rbtgl9n3mJg&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Swingsetmamas Supporting someone in a virtual platform? Check out these Boom cards From Beautiful Speech Life: I LIKE Activity   From Welcome to Words: Cupid, Cupid, What Do You See?   Make a bracelet with Valentine’s Day vocabulary and print out fun gift tags with this packet from... [Read More...]

AAC at ATIA 2023: Presentations to Get Excited About

January 30, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC at ATIA 2023: Presentations to Get Excited About

AAC stakeholders from around the US and beyond are looking forward to the ATIA 2023 Conference in Orlando this week. Those who can’t travel to Florida for this event can participate in the ATIA Virtual Conference. You can see the live-stream schedule for Feb 2-3 here. Here are some of the sessions we’re excited about. 2023 Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Ashley Mohesky will speak on The Intersect of Success and AAC on Friday, February 3 (11:30am-12:30pm ET). Everyone can view it live on YouTube here. Spirit Of Joy Awardees The Joy Zabala Spirit Award is awarded to speakers whose sessions have been selected as exemplifying the passion Joy brought to her work in AT and education. Several of the award winners are presenting on AAC and related topics. Lauren Enders and Shaun Pearson for AAC-48: Using Games to Foster Language Development, Connection, and Joy in AAC Learners Jessica Gormley, Maryjan Fiala, and Brittany Steinfeld for AAC-41:... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Baking with AAC

January 25, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Baking with AAC

Learning to integrate AAC into typical daily routines takes time and a little support. In today’s featured video, provided by PRC Saltillo, Heather Prenovost and Beth Waite-Lafever lead us through preparing some yummy cupcakes with a touch of AAC. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AxZYnN8El0&list=PL-7d4kfMclvg1UwdKNR8fxVtaj-oURh6G&index=33&ab_channel=PRC-SaltilloAACApps  Resources mentioned in the video include a Stepping Stones to AAC Organization Tool and Reference Sheet.  You can download the manual communication boards below. WordPower 96 location Board Unity 84 Sequenced Board LAMP Words for Life Board Many thanks to Beth, Heather, and PRC Saltillo for making and sharing this fun video.

AAC Implementation Framework: Steps to Learning

January 9, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Implementation Framework: Steps to Learning

We’re so pleased to welcome PrAACtical AAC contributor Vicki Clarke back to these pages. While you may remember Vicki from her outstanding AAC Assessment Corner posts, her most recent efforts focus on strengthening our AAC practices. Throughout the series, Vicki draws on her experiences supporting AAC users and teams in clinical and school settings and shares prAACtical information that we can all learn from Introduction to AAC 101 Steps to Learning It is no small task to consider how we will help our students progress from communicating only through behaviors to communicating any message they desire independently and spontaneously. In fact, in 1997, Gloria Soto conducted survey research that tells us: Teachers have always believed that communication training for students is positive, and Communication training is a collaborative effort between teachers and SLPs, Despite these beliefs, there is still a prevalent hesitancy to begin to explicitly instruct students in AAC.... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Incorporating Comprehensive Literacy Instruction into AAC Intervention

January 4, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Incorporating Comprehensive Literacy Instruction into AAC Intervention

The work of Drs. Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver on comprehensive literacy instruction in AAC has inspired many educators and therapists to ramp their literacy support in education and therapy. In today’s featured video, SLP Kristin M. Ellis shares her ideas of how to infuse this into clinical work with children and adults who have complex communication needs. Many thanks to AbleNet and to Kristin for making this archived presentation available. You can access the slide handout here and the supplemental resource list here.  Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zTUoFwbbhA&ab_channel=ableUOn-demandProfessionalDevelopment   

Video of the Week: Attribution of Meaning & AAC

December 21, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Attribution of Meaning & AAC

What role does the attribution of meaning play in supporting emergent communicators who are learning to use AAC? Today, we learn from Australian speech therapist and AAC specialist, Amanda Hartmann on how to use this to connect with beginning communicators and facilitate their AAC learning. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsqblGI5OHA&t=13s&ab_channel=AssistiveWare 

Video of the Week: Sending AAC Home

November 30, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Sending AAC Home

How can school-based professionals facilitate AAC use at home? Katie Sample, AAC and AT Specialist with the Louisiana Accessible Educational Materials project, addresses this important issue in today’s featured video. She shares relevant policies and practices in Louisiana as well as practical ideas for supporting AAC at home. Although some of the examples are specific to her state, many of the issues Katie discusses are applicable to those who live in other places. Many thanks to Katie and the Lousiana AEM for making this webinar available. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdCWXWRtZT4&ab_channel=LouisianaAEM 

Video of the Week: Writing with All Tools Continuum

November 23, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Writing with All Tools Continuum

We love learning about literacy from Australian SLP Jane Farrall. In today’s featured video, she discusses the Writing with All Tools Continuum, a 34-item AT-friendly scale for assessing writing samples from developing writers.  This is an important one for anyone focused on literacy and AAC. Many, many thanks to Jane and those who supported her in creating this incredibly useful tool Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lIhBcrCQJQ&ab_channel=JaneFarrall