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AAC Implementation Framework: Step 3 “Take In”

April 10, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Implementation Framework: Step 3 "Take In"

Welcome to the next installment of Vicki Clarke’s AAC Implementation Framework. In today’s post, Vicki focuses on the role of the communication partner, with prAACtical ideas for helping them utilize key support strategies that facilitate AAC learning. New to this series? You find the earlier posts using the links below. Steps to Learning Step 1, Determining the Target Step 2: TRAIN ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AAC Implementation Framework Step 3: “Take In” In our journey towards teaching autonomous communication, Step 3: “Take In” is dedicated to the partner’s role, which involves modeling the use of AAC to communicate words and messages in real-world situations.  The aim of this stage is to help the student learn when and how to communicate using AAC, as well as to develop a clear understanding of the practical application of these skills by watching their partner’s interactions. This process mirrors the way in which infants and toddlers acquire... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Getting Started with AAC Using the Motivate, Model, & Move Out of the Way Approach

April 5, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Getting Started with AAC Using the Motivate, Model, & Move Out of the Way Approach

There is an art and a science to supporting families who are getting started with AAC or rebooting their AAC plan. In today’s featured video, we learn from veteran AAC/AT specialist and special educator Kate Ahern. Many thanks to Kate and The Angelman Academy for this helpful presentation. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50M-DQOSVa4

AAC Sales for Autism Acceptance Month

March 30, 2023 by - 1 Comment

AAC Sales for Autism Acceptance Month

Twice a year, AAC  and AT specialist Lauren Enders Gonzales works with a variety of AAC vendors to highlight the deep discounts that they offer each April and October. If you click on the graphic below, you’ll be able to download a version that has hyperlinks to each vendor. Many thanks to Lauren and all of the participating AAC vendors!     You can download a screen reader-friendly version here. About the Contributor Lauren Enders, Gonzales MA, CCC-­SLP is a licensed and ASHA certified Speech-­Language Pathologist working as a school-based Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology (AT) Consultant for Bucks County Intermediate Unit in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She has had a passion for using AAC and other forms of assistive technology to support students with complex communication needs and complex bodies since she began her career in 1995. Lauren presents regularly at national conferences, including Closing the Gap, ATIA,... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Mindset Shifts that Empower Communication Partners & AAC Users

March 29, 2023 by - 1 Comment

Video of the Week: Mindset Shifts that Empower Communication Partners & AAC Users

Experience is a wonderful teacher that inspires us to grow and evolve. In today’s video, we feature AAC and AT specialist Lauren Enders Gonzales, who shares some important lessons about our mindsets that either inhibit or support AAC learning. You can access the slide handouts for this presentation here. Many thanks to Lauren for sharing this recording of her session at the Inclusive Classroom Conference with us. Enjoy!  Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIsWwj_9ySc&ab_channel=LaurenS.%28Enders%29Gonzales%2CM.A.%2CCCC-SLP You can learn more from Lauren here.

Overlooked AAC: Skills Areas That Are Often Neglected

March 20, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Overlooked AAC: Skills Areas That Are Often Neglected

In last year’s series, Overlooked AAC, we explored a number of things that professionals often miss in providing educational and therapeutic AAC services. Today, we add to that topic, shifting the focus to skill areas that often get neglected. AAC support generally focuses on communication, language, and literacy. When we look at the individual through a more holistic lens, though, it’s often apparent that there are other areas that create challenges for people with AAC needs. Here are some of them that we can impact in a positive way. Expand understanding of feelings and emotions: Our emotions go beyond the ‘primary colors’ of happy, sad, and angry, but when we lack the language to understand the other colors and hues, we limit our ability to develop emotional maturity. Language doesn’t just help us express our emotions; it also drives our ability to process and deal with them in healthy, productive... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: The Right to A Voice

March 15, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

The Right to A Voice

Although AAC implementation may look different around the world, the right to communicate is universal. In today’s video, we share a conversation on key issues featuring Dr. Ensa Johnson (researcher and educator), Netsai Gwata (educational psychologist), Faatima Ebrahim (occupational therapist), and Vuledzani Ndanganeni (speech-language pathologist). Many thanks to the panelists and the Margaret McNamara Educational Grants for this insightful discussion. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Ve_8uMFszf0&ab_channel=MargaretMcNamaraEducationGrantsMMEG

AAC Implementation Framework: Step 2, TRAIN

March 13, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Implementation Framework: Step 2, TRAIN

We continue to dive into our AAC Implementation Framework, guest authored by AAC SLP Vicki Clarke. In this post, Vicki discusses the way that she approaches AAC training when working with school teams. She shares lots of prAACtical ideas and resources to use in this process. You can see the earlier posts in the AAC Implementation Framework series using the links below. Steps to Learning Step 1, Determining the Target ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AAC 101 Steps of Learning:  TRAIN In Step Two, we begin the process of training HOW we say the word or message we are targeting.  We are learning where the symbol lives on our AAC system, what it looks or sounds like, the motor sequence to navigate through pages on our AAC applications, and of course, signing or saying the word, if that’s appropriate. The most significant thing to remember at this step is that we are not specifically... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Helping Parents Model AAC at Home

March 8, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Helping Parents Model AAC at Home

Looking for ways to support families who are strengthening their AAC practices? There’s no one better than Jill Senner and Matt Baud to guide us with research-supported strategies and prAACtical tips. Thank you to Jill, Matt, and the Oregon Technology Access Program ECHO Voices for this informative presentation. You can obtain the handouts for the session here.  Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGK0JzjInOg&ab_channel=OTAP-RSOI 

PrAACtical Heroes: Judith Heumann

March 6, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Heroes: Judith Heumann

Judith Heumann (1947-2023) It is hard to overstate the loss that the disability community feels with the recent death of Judith Heumann. Pioneer, activist, author, change agent. Judy worked tirelessly for so many laws, policies, and programs that we now take for granted.  Everyone has a Judy Heumann story. Mine goes back to 1981 when I was a young support worker caring for Marcia, one of the first people with significant physical limitations near me to live in her own apartment. I would visit Marcia each morning to help her get out of bed and ready for the day, do some laundry and cooking, and head out to my college classes. I’d return in the evening to tidy up and help Marcia through her evening routine. Once she was settled into bed, I checked to be sure the stove was off about a million times, turned off the lights, and... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: AT Resources for Writing

February 22, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AT Resources for Writing 

Many AAC learners benefit from assistive technology for things beyond communication. Today, we turn to the Pacer Center’s Simon Technology Center and hear about ways to support the writing process from the director Paul Sanft. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7Zq0IX8zW0&t=90s&ab_channel=SimonTechnologyCenter    Many thanks to Paul and the Simon Technology Center for these great suggestions.