687 Search Results for communication book

5 More World Book Day Ideas & Resources

March 4, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

5 More World Book Day Resources & Ideas

                   World Book Day is just 3 days away.  Check out these PrAACtical ideas for celebrating.  Just add AAC displays, aided language input, language facilitation strategies, and enthusiasm and World Book Day will be a special celebration. Dia Diversity in Action for 2013 Children’s Book Day- This blog post provides recommendations for a diverse Children’s Book Day (April 30th), but there are some  great ideas that can be used for World Book Day. Exploring Children’s Literature through Book Trailers Great blog by K-5 teacher librarian who has been successful using book trailers as a way to connect readers with books. Think of how many learners would be excited and motivated by a video trailer about a book. Caught in the Act of Reading– a photo idea by Pragmatic Mom that we think would be a great classroom or therapy center activity for... [Read More...]

Flip Book Love

February 13, 2013 by - 1 Comment

Flip Book Love

We love the versatility of flip books and charts. They are a great format option for communication books, particularly the flip books that have a static ‘base’ and a set of strips/mini pages that you can flip through for additional vocabulary. Once you have a template, it’s not too difficult to make a number of them that fit different purposes. Here are some resources to explore. SET-BC has wonderful material on communication supports including a brief video about flip books here. They also have some terrific downloads, including this one by Kathy Ryan. Flip ‘n Talk has been around for a long time, but it continues to be a really useful tool. We typically have the core language as the static portion, but here’s an example of doing it the other way around. There are so many ways to use flip books for language learning. We love this one for... [Read More...]

Get Ready: 28 Ways to Improve Communication with AAC Users in February

January 29, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

28 Things to do to IMrpve Communication for AAC Users

It’s almost February and and we were thinking about ways to encourage communication in a fun and meaningful way for the whole month.  The best way we know is to build a visual language environment by providing lots of AAC modeling (Aided Language Input-ALI) and by using lots of visual supports. Here are some ideas to expand opportunities and/or to get started. We would love to know what works, what doesn’t, and any other ways you build visual language into everyday experiences. Use Aided Language Input (ALI) to say ‘I Love You’ . Make it part of a routine Offer learners a book choice board/choice book when deciding what book to read in speech-language therapy/classroom/home Use Aided Language Input (ALI) to tell how you feel when something is hard or difficult for you Use a ‘stop sign’ symbol to indicate an off limit area Use Aided Language Input (ALI) to... [Read More...]

Communication Connections

January 19, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Communication Connections via Requesting and Choice Making

The January Strategy of the Month has focused on requesting and choice making. These are really fun goals to implement. They fall under the  communication function that helps us meet our own needs (Behavioral Regulation).  When we get what we want, there is  a sense of control over the environment & we increase symbolic communication/language, and self-sufficiency.  It’s all good. The assumption for all requests and choices is that the learner ‘likes’ what they have asked for.  This is what makes the process so much fun, we get to do activities and have interactions that are positive and motivating. If only it was that easy… Sometimes it is not… But do not worry…there are plenty of solutions for common (and not so common) problems when teaching requesting and choice making.  As always,  set the stage for a positive TEACHING paradigm and then move to problem solving if necessary (and when it is... [Read More...]

5 PrAACtical Resources For Better Communication Experiences with HealthCare Providers

October 12, 2012 by - 2 Comments

5 PrAACtical Resources For Better Communication Experiences with Health Care Providers

Being sick is no fun, but when you can’t communicate effectively with your healthcare provider, it can be disastrous. Here are some resources that SLPs can use to help promote effective communication and prevent adverse affects. Accommodations Cards: One of the simplest things we can do to help healthcare providers understand the needs of a person who uses AAC, is to give some basic information on an accommodations card. Health Bridges is a project of the Western Pennsylvania Initiative to support individuals who have hearing and vision loss. Their website includes a section that allows you to create quick accommodations cards for this population and serve as a good example for ones that you can make on your own. Accommodations cards don’t solve all the problems, but they’re a quick and easy way to make a start. Patient-Provider Communication Website: Amazing array of information and resources from around the world.... [Read More...]

5 Ways to Use Rating Scales to Enhance Communication with AAC

July 25, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Ways to Use Rating Scales to Enhance Communication with AAC

In an earlier post, we lamented the under-utilization of a quick and effective strategy: qualitative rating scales. You may not know them by that name, but we all know them. Also called Likert-type scales, we’ve seen these a multitude of times when we were asked to give an opinion. Strongly agree to Strongly Disagree. Excellent to Poor. Always to Never. – There are only a few guidelines to using these with AAC folks. One is to make sure to use appropriate visual supports.  Literate AAC users may be very comfortable with text-only options, but for other learners, we need to add images so it makes sense to them. Another suggestion is to stick with an odd number of options: 5 seems to be the norm in clinical practice, but you can certainly adjust to fit the learner’s needs. For some, a 3-point scale would be best. Others may want more... [Read More...]

5 Online Notebooks Full of AAC

July 7, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Online Notebooks Full of AAC

I have a real love-hate relationship with LiveBinders. The impatient part of me struggles with its quirky interface, but I keep coming back because of the wealth of resources and helpful site administrators. Here are some of the AAC-related binders we use most often. – General AAC Resources by Janice Reese AAC & Music by Deanna Wagner Social Scripts for People who use AAC by Caroline Musselwhite Our binder on Building Communication Opportunities for People who use AAC Our binder on Choice Boards –

From Disney Princesses to Houseplants: More on Building Communication Opportunities

April 28, 2012 by - 10 Comments

From Disney Princesses to Houseplants: More on Building Communication Opportunities

Mining everyday routines at home, in school, and in therapy sessions for communication teaching opportunities is a great way to get started in boosting the effectiveness of AAC intervention. We are inspired when we see clinicians enhance their clients’ learning by making subtle, but important changes. – I was thrilled to hear one SLP talk about how she ‘found’ more AAC practice for a teenager by offering more choices in her therapy games. Once he chose a TV character for the activity, LeVon then had to specify what action he/she would do (e.g., dance, drive, clap) and a location in which to do it (e.g., home, school, beach). Agent, action, location. Hmm…sounds like a good start for sentence-building, with a little aided language input and expansion thrown in for good measure. “Quinn drive beach.” “Yes. Quinn drove to the beach in his truck.” And it gives us great pleasure to... [Read More...]

5 AAC-related Facebook Groups/Pages We Love

April 24, 2012 by - 2 Comments

5 AAC-related Facebook Groups/Pages We Love

– We’re still getting used to the whole idea that social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, can play such a powerful role in professional development. In addition to our our very own Facebook page, we, regularly visit a number of others for AAC and related content. – Augmentative Communication Resources and Help Boardmaker Sharing Group Raising and Teaching Individuals with Severe Disabilities Assistive Technology Technology in Education – How about you? What Facebook groups/pages do you find helpful? –

Go Ape! 10 Commenting Communication Temptations

April 23, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

More About Communication Opportunities: It doesn’t matter your personality, but for students who do not naturally comment, you need to go ape!  And then still, you need to teach with wait & signal cues, visual supports, aided language input, modeling, expansions, and positive feedback.  We will never forget a semester with Mikey and our hair clips of butterflies, whales, dinosaurs, and even a spider. These hair clips allowed for the item to hang in our face…… until Mikey commented and we could ‘go ape’ with surprise. A great strategy to use with commenting communication temptations is  Wait & Signal.  Wait and Signal involves setting up the temptation and then pausing with raised eyebrows like you expect the learner to take a ‘turn/a conversational turn’. As always, make sure the learner has access to the appropriate communication device or communication boards.  10 additional commenting communication temptations and opportunities: Move a huge stuffed... [Read More...]