687 Search Results for communication book

Video of the Week: Infusing AAC Core Vocabulary into Interactive Storybook Reading

March 9, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Infusing AAC Core Vocabulary into Interactive Storybook Reading

Reading is such a great activity to build language skills in AAC learners, but it takes some practice to get the hang of how to engage our partners, model language, and create communication opportunities. We’re off to New Zealand today to the Kimi Ora School in the Wellington region for a demonstration that shows how we can provide some aided language input and opportunities for core word use in interactive storybook reading.      

AAC on Facebook: 10 Groups to Check Out

October 20, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC on Facebook: 10 Groups to Check Out

Have an AAC question that you need answered at 11:00 pm? Want to be alerted to discounts on AAC apps? Need some ideas for AAC teaching? Looking for a specific AAC assessment form? Have some time to encourage a family or professional who is new to AAC? Just got the news that you have a budget for equipment and want suggestions? Facebook is a great place to connect with like-minded individuals to converse about AAC and related topics. Most SGD companies and app developers have their own Facebook pages, so search for the ones that you use most frequently. Here are some of the more active AAC groups on Facebook that are not aligned to a specific device or app. AAC for the SLP  AAC and AT Networking Augmentative Communication Resources and Help  AAC: Alternative Awesome Communicators Rett Syndrome Communication Device and Information Exchange  Angelman, Literacy, and Education (NOT limited... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Adapting Books with Visual Scenes

October 14, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Adapting Books with Visual Scenes

There is so much we have yet to learn about the best ways to get beginning communicators engaged in language learning. In this brief video, Dr. Nimisha Muttiah talks about a strategy for combining selected features of adapted books and visual scene displays to create an easy-to-use, no-tech communication aid. You can read more about the strategy here. Thanks to Hillary Jellison, Nerissa Hall, and the rest of the team at Communicare for making this available. You can check out more from the Communicare team in these guest posts.  

How I Do It: Classroom CORE Book by Tabi Jones-Wohleber

June 15, 2015 by - 7 Comments

How I Do It: Classroom CORE Book by Tabi Jones-Wohleber

Although summer is just beginning, many SLPs in our region are already thinking about the next school year. If you are trying to increase classroom use of AAC, you will want to check out the core vocabulary resources developed by Tabi Jones-Wohleber. Tabi is a Maryland-based SLP who works on the Frederick County Public Schools AT Team. You can view her earlier post (and accompanying downloads) here. In this post, Tabi shares her wonderful Communication Opportunities Ready to Engineer (CORE) book and explains how she uses these materials. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Classroom CORE (Communication Opportunities Ready to Engineer) Book: When posed with the question “How can I use core more?” by a group of teachers inspired to make communication a priority, I was thrilled to be part of a team motivated to investigate this exciting question.  These talented Rock Creek School educators teach a diverse population of students with all manner of physical,... [Read More...]

One Mobile Device or Two? Things to Consider About iPads/Tablets as Communication Devices

November 6, 2014 by - 11 Comments

One Mobile Device or Two? Things to Consider About iPads/Tablets as Communication Devices

Should iPads and tablets be used both for communication and other things? That’s a question we hear rather frequently these days. Our answer will probably frustrate you. Ready? Here goes: It depends. It depends on the learner. Consider these two students. Tia is 6 and very much a beginning communicator. She has had her mobile device with a core language based AAC app for a few months. Tia uses it independently to ask for a few of her favorite things, like music and bubbles. With prompting she can use it to ask for a wider variety things, and can also use it for commenting, labeling, greeting, and answering ‘what’ questions. She does not yet combine two symbols to make short sentences. Yvette is 15 and has been using AAC since she was a toddler. She uses a text-to-speech app on her mobile device and knows how to program phrases and... [Read More...]

How I Do It: Using PODD books and Aided Language Displays with Young Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder

August 28, 2014 by - 19 Comments

How I Do It: Using PODD books and Aided Language Displays with Young Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Today, we turn to the UK in a guest post by Laura Tarver. a London-based Speech and Language Therapist working with children with ASD and other complex needs. She previously worked in a primary school for children with ASD, where PODD and Aided Language Displays were introduced as part of a school wide approach in order to enhance the communication-friendly environment for all pupils. In this post, she shares how they used PODD books and aided language input to build the students’ communication skills. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PODD (or Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) communication books were developed in Australia by Gayle Porter, originally for children with cerebral palsy. As their use becomes more widespread throughout the world, practitioners are considering the benefits of using them with other clinical populations. Their structured organisation and emphasis on visual communication means that they are also a valuable tool for developing the communication of those with... [Read More...]

Strategy of the Month: A PrAACtical Resource – Communication Access

July 14, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Strategy of the Month: A PrAACtical Resource - Communication Access

There are some organizations and projects that just amaze us with the work that they do. Today, we are looking at one of those, Communication Disabilities Access Canada, led by Barbara Collier. They have a wonderful array of resources that address important topics related to safety, self-determination, advocacy, and more. Here are two of our favorites. Communication Boards Making and Using Communication Access Cards You can follow them on Facebook, too.  

Loving Literacy-Let’s Read and Write Storybooks

March 24, 2014 by - 2 Comments

Loving Literacy: Let's Read and Write Storybooks

Literacy instruction involves lots of reading and writing. Last week, Carole discussed using storybook reading and the RAAP (Read, Ask, Answer, Prompt) strategy by Drs. Cathy Binger and Jennifer Kent-Walsh to teach communication and literacy.  To use storybooks with all learners we need to have lots of books that are easily accessible. Books need to  be accessible physically as well as through content and interest. It is lucky that with all of today’s on-line resources there is an abundance of ways to obtain as well as make and write storybooks.  All learners can and should be be involved in both the reading and writing process. Not only do literacy skills improve but so do communication skills. Involving Learners in the Storybook Process   Reader & Writer Vocabulary- Facilitate involvement by using reader and writer vocabulary. Refer to learners as “readers”, “authors”, “editors”, “publishers”, “critics”, etc.  When you are treated and referred... [Read More...]

On Communication and Behavior: Back to Basics

March 19, 2014 by - 4 Comments

On Communication and Behavior: Back to Basics

The other day we heard from an SLP who was supporting a child with significant communication difficulties. She contacted us because the team had hit a snag in their communication supports for this student. The student was successfully able to communicate with PECS but rarely did so. Instead, she used her body and challenging behavior to express herself most of the time. “Why does she hit when she can use her PECS book to tell us what she wants?” We’re not any more clairvoyant than you are, but we certainly had some ideas about this. Functional Communication Teaching can be very effective in helping people reduce their use of challenging behaviors in favor of more socially accepted means of communication. BUT, there are some of the basic principles that are have to be attended to when designing and implementing a set of behaviors that will replace the challenging behavior. This... [Read More...]

Text-Based Aided Language: Making the Literacy-Communication Connection for Children with Autism

January 23, 2014 by - 2 Comments

Text-Based Aided Language: Making the Literacy-Communication Connection for Children with Autism

We are so pleased to have this guest post by Alicia Garcia. She is the lead SLP at AAC Clinic at One Kids Place, in Ontario. You can read her previous post here. Today, Alicia takes us in a textual direction. Enjoy!  When working with children with autism who have complex communication needs we have found it is not uncommon to see children who, despite having significant communication and language challenges, can read and sometimes type words. Their ability to decode written words is far superior to their ability to communicate their wants, needs and thoughts. Some of these children use AAC systems for their face-to-face communication and, in some cases, have a literacy program in place; they frequently have handy access to writing or typing tools. These children do not, however, use text to communicate with people. They have not made the Literacy-Communication connection. We wonder… how do we help these... [Read More...]