842 Search Results for core vocabulary

Video of the Week: Developing an AT Implementation Plan

January 7, 2016 by - 5 Comments

Gianna’s teacher uses a visual schedule app successfully in the classroom to support comprehension and reduce problem behaviors. Although she’s shared the strategy and the app with the SLP and OT, neither one consistently use the visual schedule app in their sessions with this student. Jordan’s SLP does her best to use aided language input to provide a competent model of linguistic expression using his SGD when she pushes in to provide services in the classroom. Once she’s gone, classroom staff rarely implement that strategy or create opportunities for Jordan to use the SGD at other times during the school day. Evan’s parents have made an enormous investment in learning about AAC and modeling core words at home to help their son develop stronger skills with his AAC app. They do their best to follow along with the Year of Core Vocabulary Words approach, and are understandably dismayed when the... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #1: January, 2016

January 3, 2016 by - 2 Comments

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #1: January, 2016

The New Year is a perfect time to give your clinical and educational practices a boost of AAC. Here are some posts from the week to get you started. Monday –  Ready/Not Ready: 5 Visual Supports for AAC Learners Tuesday – PrAACtically January: Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words Wednesday – Video of the Week: Using Structure to Minimize Behavioral Challenges Thursday – The Most Popular AAC Posts of 2015 Thanks for all you do to support children and adults with little or no functional speech.

Most Popular AAC Posts of 2015

December 31, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Most Popular AAC Posts of 2015

Goodbye, December! Before we turn the calendar page, here are some of the most popular posts of 2015. Many thanks to Lauren Enders, Rachael Langley, and all of our guest bloggers for being so generous with their time and expertise. I couldn’t do it without you!! 5 Great Resources for Pre-Made Communication Boards How I Do It: Writing IEP Goals for Students Who Use AAC with Lauren Enders How I Do It by Rachael Langley – PODD in the Classroom: Portable, Wearable, & Comfortable How I Do It: Using PODD books and Aided Language Displays with Young Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder Core Samples Teaching Core Vocabulary A Year of Core Vocabulary Words Pivotal Skills for AAC Intervention: Aided Language Input Literacy for Everyone with Adapted Books Communication Boards: Colorful Considerations 30 Ways to Celebrate Autism Awareness Month

Video of the Week: Classroom Support for the Beginning Communicator

November 25, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Classroom Support for the Beginning Communicator

Gabriella doesn’t seem to notice what her teachers and peers are doing in the classroom. When offered a choice of toys, she seems to reach for one rather randomly, has little interest in the one she chose, and knocks it to the floor after 30 seconds. Elliot is assertive in greeting visitors to his classroom, and eagerly leads them around the room, vocalizing excitedly as he shows them around. When he needs help with a toy or material, he hands it to an adult with clear intent and expectation. He’s not using actual words just yet, and his interest in PECS has been limited. Alyssa uses a communication board to make requests and answer questions, but only with a lot of prompting. She uses single symbol utterances in planned communication opportunities during a few activities during the school day. Team members have observed spontaneous use of her AAC tools a... [Read More...]

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: I Eat Thanksgiving Dinner

November 19, 2015 by - 1 Comment

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: I Eat Thanksgiving Dinner

Here in the US, many are getting ready for the Thanksgiving holiday. If you’re looking for a way to add a prAACtical dimension to your preparations, this post is for you. Thank you, Karen Natoci, for another fabulous PrAACtically Reading contribution! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Book:  I Eat Thanksgiving Dinner by Karen Natoci; Published on Tarheel Reader here. Core Vocabulary focus: LIKE, DON’T LIKE, Uh Oh!, I, MORE, IT, COMMUNICATION Matrix Level:  I-VII Literacy Framework:  Emergent This month, we decided to practice eating Thanksgiving Dinner by “eating” our way through this book!  This has been uploaded to Tarheelreader and the powerpoint version is available there.  This is shared around a table set for a feast!  To prepare for this story, we were able to purchase a frozen thanksgiving dinner available at the grocery store.  We heated it up and separated it into serving dishes, individualized according to the diet of each of our readers. Some... [Read More...]

AAC Handouts from ASHA 2015

November 13, 2015 by - 9 Comments

AAC Handouts from ASHA 2015

Traveling to conferences to hear about new developments in AAC is always re-energizing. Here are some of the handouts from ASHA’s 2015 Convention in Denver. (FYI – There is an alternate link at the bottom if you have trouble accessing individual handouts.) AAC for the Generalist: When, Where, & What to Explore by Lisa Martin and Meghan Shank  Getting to the Core of Core Vocabulary: AAC Implementation Strategies for Caregivers & SLPs  by Sara Barnhill, Meghan Danowski, and Barbara Lent Outcomes of AAC Acquisition in Pediatric Intensive Speech Model: A Case Study by Heather McDaniel and Teresa Ankney Using Client Interests to Facilitate Success in AAC & Intervention by Bethany Diener  Progress Monitoring Strategies for Children With Complex Communication Needs Who Use AAC by Janet Dodd Please note that downloads of ASHA Conference handouts may only be available for a limited time. If you are unable to access the links, you... [Read More...]

From Activity-based AAC to Robust Language: Part 2

November 2, 2015 by - 4 Comments

From Activity-based AAC to Robust Language: Part 2

Last week, we talked a bit about activity-based communication displays (ABCDs), and the role they play for AAC learners. The analogy of feeding someone (with ABCDs) versus teaching them to fish for themselves (with robust AAC), resonated with many of you. In some cases, ABCDs can be a good way for therapists, educators, and families to take steps forward in their implementation of AAC. They allow students with little or no functional speech a way to participate in activities by making choices and comments, and that is a very good thing for those who don’t have a better option. There are a few drawbacks to ABCDs, though. Here are some of them. ABCDs limit language development. The learner can only experience the exact words and configurations that appear on a particular display. The learner has no way to expand his/her utterance by including other words or concepts. ABCDs are time-consuming... [Read More...]

From Activity-based AAC to Robust Language: Part 1

October 27, 2015 by - 4 Comments

From Activity-based AAC to Robust Language: Part 1

As far as I can tell, most AAC learners are taught by people who don’t specialize in AAC. Their school SLPs may have caseloads of 50, 60, 70, or more students with IEPs, 90% of whom have goals for articulation, language, and fluency. Their classroom teachers serve students whose disabilities range from none at all, to dyslexia to cerebral palsy, to significant intellectual disabilities, and everywhere in between. In all likelihood, neither group had much AAC training. What little AAC they know, they’ve picked up on their own from reading, going to workshops and conferences (usually self-funded), talking to colleagues, and exploring online resources. Many times, their first foray into AAC is with things like choice boards and visual supports, such as daily schedules and first/then boards. From there, they may begin labeling the environment with pictures symbols (e.g., ‘table’ on the table, ‘on/off’ near the light switch), using mini-schedules... [Read More...]

An AAC Journey: From “No to AAC” to “AAC All Day, Every Day” with Desirae Pillay

October 19, 2015 by - 2 Comments

AAC Journeys: From “No to AAC” to “AAC All Day, Every Day” with Desirae Pillay

What better way to celebrate AAC Awareness Month than to share AAC stories from around the world? In this post, we welcome Desirae Pillay, who shares a bit about her daughter, Savannah, and their AAC journey. As the mother of a young adult with ASD and cerebral palsy, Desirae has taken what she has learned about AAC and is using it to help others outside of her family. Desirae began her journey with AAC in 2003 when she could not find a qualified AAC specialist to assist her with her daughter. Her experience and informal learning gained her a job for an AT company. When her daughter’s health needs became pressing, she resigned her job and worked part time as a Disability Consultant for various organisations. Desirae recently returned to work as an AT Advisor, where she trains on a range of topics about communication for people with disabilities. Her passion is for... [Read More...]