262 Search Results for video autism

Video of the Week: AAC for Students Who Can Speak

April 8, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC for Students Who Can Speak

“But my student can speak. Why would we use AAC?” We often get this question from our fellow SLPs, particularly those who work with students who have autism. From the question alone, it seems like AAC is not needed, and would be a step backward for this particular student. But what happens when we dig a little deeper? The last time this question was posed to me, it was about Marcella, an 8 year old with ASD. As the conversation progressed, we learned more about Marcella’s communication profile. Independently, she uses 2-3 word sentences to ask for things she wants (e.g., “Want that popsicle.” “More Dora”) and single words to protest (“No!”). With prompting Marcella uses 1-2 words for greeting (e.g., “Hi Tony”), labelling (e.g., “Dora book”), answer questions, (e.g., “here,” “sunny”) and a few other social purposes. So, what’s the problem? For starters, Marcella is capable of more. In... [Read More...]

20 Ways for SLPs to Celebrate Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month

April 6, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

20 Ways for SLPs to Celebrate Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month

As SLPs, we know a good deal about autism spectrum disorders. Nevertheless, there’s always some new area to explore. Here are some ideas. Learn about and from self-advocates with ASD. Get inspired to learn more about video modeling and self modeling. Enroll in a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Autism, like this one by Swinburne University of Technology. Learn more about what makes a narrative a social story as opposed to something else by reviewing the guidelines for sentence types. Take a ‘real look’ at a speech-language therapy session where the focus is coaching a family member to build play and interaction skills. Learn more about the neurodiversity and the neurodiversity movement. Share some of the empirical supports for AAC use. Learn more about DSM 5. Take a ‘real look’ at a family whose child has Down Syndrome and autism. Renew your commitment to theoretically sound and empirically supported... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: AAC and ASD

April 1, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC and ASD

To kick off Autism Awareness and Acceptance month, we turn to a video on AAC and ASD. Thanks to Michael McSheehan and the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire for this helpful video. https://vimeo.com/album/2645578/video/97834273  

Video Modeling and AAC

January 12, 2015 by - 3 Comments

Video Modeling and AAC

Video modeling is an empirically supported instructional strategy that can help some learners acquire and use a range of new skills. It involves videotaping the expected or desired behavior so that our clients can see, hear, and better understand the skills they are trying to learn. We’ve posted videos about it in the past and know that many of you use it or have considered using it in your clinical practice. Most of the applications have been with speaking children and young adults, but many AAC learners can benefit as well. If you’re thinking of trying out this strategy in your own practice, here are some resources that might be helpful. In a nutshell: Visit the National Center for Professional Development on Autism to review the EBP practice brief on video modeling. Their documents are great for sharing with families and other team members, too. Getting started: Visit Dr. Christine Reeve’s... [Read More...]

Videos of the Week: More on Dealing with Feelings

November 23, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: More on Dealing with Feelings

We’re always happy to find resources that can help our prAACtical learners deal with complex emotions. In this post, we return to the work of Joel Shaul, author of the Autism Teaching Strategies site. We saw the first 4 videos in this post. Video 5: Anxiety – Predicting Without Proof Video 6: When Your Mind Gets Stuck on Sad Video 7: When Your Mind Blames Too Much Video 8: Rigid Thinking

10 AAC Things to Do for Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month

April 1, 2014 by - 1 Comment

10 AAC Things to Do for Autism Acceptance Month

We love  Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month. There is so much excitement and great community activities.  The month becomes very busy so we love choosing events and projects that facilitate autism acceptance and AAC learning.  We pass out materials, have contests, do extra trainings and have many public awareness events.  We make sure to support our events and activities with AAC materials.   Here are some of the things we do and recommend to support AAC and Autism learning. Please share any activities or projects that you know about. Bake, share, & eat some desserts. Use and include visual recipes when cooking. Need inspiration?..  Go to Your Special Chef for shopping lists and recipes.  Educate peers visually by using the Autism Acceptance Book: Being a Friend to Someone with Autism by Ellen Sabin Develop & Use a personal participation story (modified social story) to let alert someone that this will... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Core Vocabulary in Action

March 23, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Core Vocabulary in Action

“I eat biscuits when I talk about things.” “How about yesterday?” “What do you like making?” “Kay said, Put away toys.” “What did you say?” “After meeting we did go eat mini burger.” “What did you eat for dinner?” “I will eat one biscuit now.” Isn’t it a treat to see kids really using core language? There is so much to love about this video of Kingsley, a youngster with autism, and his dad. From the child-directed interaction, to the contingent responding, to the language elicitation strategies (e.g., “You start”), to reminders about punctuation, to the sheer love of interaction, and more. This is one to savor.  Direct link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jHWeD9ivc0  

Video of the Week: Dealing with Feelings

February 16, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Dealing with Feelings

Like many of you, we’re often working with clients to help them better understand and express their emotions. This set of videos by Joel Shaul, of Autism Teaching Strategies, has some very prAACtical value even for learners without ASD. Video 1: Fighting Upsetting Thoughts Video 2: Fighting Upsetting Thoughts, Continued Video 3: Many Types of Negative Thoughts Video 4: Black and White Thinking  

Text-Based Aided Language: Making the Literacy-Communication Connection for Children with Autism

January 23, 2014 by - 2 Comments

Text-Based Aided Language: Making the Literacy-Communication Connection for Children with Autism

We are so pleased to have this guest post by Alicia Garcia. She is the lead SLP at AAC Clinic at One Kids Place, in Ontario. You can read her previous post here. Today, Alicia takes us in a textual direction. Enjoy!  When working with children with autism who have complex communication needs we have found it is not uncommon to see children who, despite having significant communication and language challenges, can read and sometimes type words. Their ability to decode written words is far superior to their ability to communicate their wants, needs and thoughts. Some of these children use AAC systems for their face-to-face communication and, in some cases, have a literacy program in place; they frequently have handy access to writing or typing tools. These children do not, however, use text to communicate with people. They have not made the Literacy-Communication connection. We wonder… how do we help these... [Read More...]