1788 Search Results for video of the week

Video of the Week: What Do You Want to Do?

April 6, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: What Do You Want to Do?

Looking for a prAACtical way to introduce basic visual supports to families of kids with AAC needs? This week we feature a video from Arizona State University’s Tots ‘n Tech Project that is perfect to share with families who are ready to add a few visual supports into their lives. We love the simplicity of this video and the engaging support document that accompanies it.  Direct Link to Video: http://tnt.asu.edu/ideas/communication-socializing/what-do-you-want-do-chart  

Video of the Week: Connecting with Prelinguistic Communicators

March 30, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Connecting with Prelinguistic Communicators

In our video post this week, we’re sharing a number of video clips demonstrating interactions between children with vision and hearing loss and their interventionists. We love the child-directed nature of the interactions and the contingent responses from the adults. The connections they are making strengthen the foundation for future language development. Take a look.   Direct Link to Videos: http://vimeo.com/search?q=teaching+prelinguistic+communication  

Video of the Week: Core Vocabulary in Action

March 23, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Core Vocabulary in Action

“I eat biscuits when I talk about things.” “How about yesterday?” “What do you like making?” “Kay said, Put away toys.” “What did you say?” “After meeting we did go eat mini burger.” “What did you eat for dinner?” “I will eat one biscuit now.” Isn’t it a treat to see kids really using core language? There is so much to love about this video of Kingsley, a youngster with autism, and his dad. From the child-directed interaction, to the contingent responding, to the language elicitation strategies (e.g., “You start”), to reminders about punctuation, to the sheer love of interaction, and more. This is one to savor.  Direct link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jHWeD9ivc0  

Video of the Week: A Right to Communicate

March 16, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Our very favorite videos to share are those that feature the ideas of people who use AAC. Today, we’re excited to share a wonderful video from the Communication Friends group in Scotland. Their video was produced with funding from the Scottish initiative, ‘A Right to Speak.’ These folks have some great tips. “Don’t be scared of this fancy machine. Switch it on and I’ll do the rest.” What an amazing group of therapists and communicators! Take a look:   Direct link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx338vnATIA&feature=youtu.be  

Video of the Week: Direct Selection Using Laser Pointers

February 23, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Direct Selection Using Laser Pointers

Looking for ways to support communicators with physical challenges? Laser pointers can be one way to provide access to communication boards and the alphabet. OT Margaret Cotts shows how it works in this interaction between a healthcare professional and a client with ALS. Although today’s featured video focuses on a client with ALS, this is an access tool that could work for individuals with other motor limitations as well. Direct Link to Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0jlCq9QaM4  

Video of the Week: Dealing with Feelings

February 16, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Dealing with Feelings

Like many of you, we’re often working with clients to help them better understand and express their emotions. This set of videos by Joel Shaul, of Autism Teaching Strategies, has some very prAACtical value even for learners without ASD. Video 1: Fighting Upsetting Thoughts Video 2: Fighting Upsetting Thoughts, Continued Video 3: Many Types of Negative Thoughts Video 4: Black and White Thinking  

Video of the Week: Understanding PECS

February 9, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Understanding PECS

While most SLPs know at least a little something about PECS, the Picture Exchange Communication System, there are also quite a few misconceptions. In today’s featured video, we are pleased to share this overview from the creators of this approach for beginning communicators. Direct Link to Video: http://youtu.be/-Bzli1iC_w8  

Video of the Week: Angling Switches for Better Access

February 2, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Angling Switches for Better Access

Having great AAC technology is not much help if the client can’t access it, but sometimes big access issues can be solved with little tweaks. In this video, Sue Russell, from the Boston Children’s Augmentative Communication Program, gives us some ideas for easy-to-make switch mounts. Direct link to video: http://youtu.be/yEsYacnzjNY