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AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 10: March 2025
Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have a bunch of posts that you might enjoy. Monday – March Year of Core... [Read More...]
Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have a bunch of posts that you might enjoy. Monday – March Year of Core... [Read More...]
How can we support children who are learning to communicate through AAC and help them build a robust repertoire of... [Read More...]
Communicative competence is a multi-faceted concept that was introduced to the AAC field by Dr. Janice Light over 3 decades... [Read More...]
Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts from our prAACtical week. Monday – AAC Implementation Framework: Steps to Learning... [Read More...]
In just a few days, people around the US will be taking time to honor the slain civil rights leader,... [Read More...]
The AAC community lost a powerful voice recently. Today, we honor Rick Creech by looking back at his testimony at... [Read More...]
Happy Tuesday, AAC friends! Once a week we invite you to share your own AAC-related content, product news, or anything... [Read More...]
We’re so pleased to welcome PrAACtical AAC contributor Vicki Clarke back to these pages. While you may remember Vicki from... [Read More...]
Happy Sunday, AAC friends. This is a great day for catching up on some AAC reading. Monday – 2023: A... [Read More...]
Each month we feature a Spanish version of our AAC Link Up, CAA con Links. If you have AAC-related announcements,... [Read More...]
When university faculty and graduate students work together on AAC content, good things are bound to happen. In this post,... [Read More...]
The work of Drs. Karen Erickson and David Koppenhaver on comprehensive literacy instruction in AAC has inspired many educators and... [Read More...]