272 Search Results for video literacy

AAC and Emergent Literacy: 5 Posts with Implementation Ideas

January 5, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC and Emergent Literacy: 5 Posts with Implementation Ideas

Looking to infuse additional activities to support the reading and writing development of the AAC learners with whom you work? Today, we’re revisiting some popular posts with helpful ideas and resources. Robust Literacy Instruction for People Who Use AAC A PrAACtical Literacy Activity for Beginning Communicators  Literacy Lessons for Beginning AAC Learner Infusing Literacy Learning Opportunities in AAC Therapies  Literacy for All: A Series of Videos by Dr. Caroline Musselwhite  Hope you find some useful tips and suggestions.

Video of the Week: AAC Access for Individuals with Significant Motor Limitations Through Partner Assisted Scanning

November 2, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC Access for Individuals with Significant Motor Limitations Through Partner Assisted Scanning

Developing effective communication systems for individuals with significant motor challenges is a challenging process. Ultimately, the goal is to provide them with tools and strategies that allow them to communicate independently and help them develop the skills needed to say what they wish to throughout their daily life experiences. As we all know, this can be a long journey.  And while we work toward systems that allow them to communicate independently, they need access to language and communication now despite their motor limitations. Partner assisted scanning (PAS) is one option that works for many AAC learners.  In this post, we feature a video overview of this strategy presented by SLP Maureen Nevers as part of the Communication Training Series by the Angelman Syndrome Foundation and the Foster Family Charitable Foundation, and a video of PAS in action by the Dynamic Learning Maps Professional Development (DLM PD) group under the direction... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Alternate Pencils

October 12, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Alternate Pencils

Despite their differences, one thing that many people who use AAC have in common is their need for additional supports to develop strong literacy skills. In today’s featured video, Dr. Karen Erickson, of the Center on Literacy and Disability Studies, introduces the concept of alternate pencils and discusses ways in which teachers, therapists, and families can begin using them to provide alphabet access to people with cognitive or physical disabilities. Let’s write! Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1WgtZClfL8&feature=youtu.be

Video of the Week: Shared Writing and AAC

September 28, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Shared Writing and AAC

Looking to round out your literacy supports with writing activities? Shared writing using a predictable chart is a great strategy to utilize with students who use AAC because there are so many rich opportunities for learning about print while practicing communication. In this video, SLP and AAC specialist Deanna Wagner describes the process of using core word sentence starters and covers essential elements of implementation. If you are not doing formal writing instruction with AAC learners, this is a great place to start. Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll90gwo5rQQ

Video of the Week: Adapting Books with Visual Scenes

October 14, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Adapting Books with Visual Scenes

There is so much we have yet to learn about the best ways to get beginning communicators engaged in language learning. In this brief video, Dr. Nimisha Muttiah talks about a strategy for combining selected features of adapted books and visual scene displays to create an easy-to-use, no-tech communication aid. You can read more about the strategy here. Thanks to Hillary Jellison, Nerissa Hall, and the rest of the team at Communicare for making this available. You can check out more from the Communicare team in these guest posts.  

Video of the Week: Technology for Us, Too!

February 11, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Technology for Us, Too!

How can we integrate technology into the instruction of students with vision impairments and multiple disabilities? Nathalie de Wit, Lead Teacher at the Perkins School for the Blind Lower School has lots of ideas. Alternate: http://www.pathstoliteracy.org/resources/assistive-technology-ideas-students-multiple-disabilities-and-visual-impairments

More Robust Literacy Instruction for People Who Use AAC

March 10, 2014 by - 8 Comments

More Robust Literacy Instruction for People Who Use AAC

We love learning about AAC and literacy from resources that have a ‘presume competence’ philosophy, that provide research support, and that include specific teaching guidelines.  With these ideas in mind, we love the Literacy Curriculum found on the Literacy Instruction Website by Janice Light and David McNaughton at Penn State.  There are specific guidelines for providing literacy instruction to individuals with severe communication impairments.  There is a specific curriculum to tell you what skills to teach, reasons for teaching those skills, how to teach the skills, and videotaped examples of teaching the curriculum. There is listed research support  that you can use to understand the rationales for the skills you are teaching as well as  provide evidence-based information about why you are choosing the approach.  This post is intended to provide an introduction to the Literacy Curriculum.  For comprehensive information go to the Literacy Instruction Website by Janice Light and David McNaughton.... [Read More...]

Text-Based Aided Language: Making the Literacy-Communication Connection for Children with Autism

January 23, 2014 by - 2 Comments

Text-Based Aided Language: Making the Literacy-Communication Connection for Children with Autism

We are so pleased to have this guest post by Alicia Garcia. She is the lead SLP at AAC Clinic at One Kids Place, in Ontario. You can read her previous post here. Today, Alicia takes us in a textual direction. Enjoy!  When working with children with autism who have complex communication needs we have found it is not uncommon to see children who, despite having significant communication and language challenges, can read and sometimes type words. Their ability to decode written words is far superior to their ability to communicate their wants, needs and thoughts. Some of these children use AAC systems for their face-to-face communication and, in some cases, have a literacy program in place; they frequently have handy access to writing or typing tools. These children do not, however, use text to communicate with people. They have not made the Literacy-Communication connection. We wonder… how do we help these... [Read More...]

Watch It Wednesday: Using Visual Scene Displays to Build Language and Literacy

December 18, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Using Visual Scene Displays to Build Language and Literacy

Deanne Shoyer, from Small But Kinda Mighty, has been sharing some fantastic ideas for building language in kids who are learning AAC. In this video, she shows how she used a visual scene display on a mobile device, Scene Speak (Good Karma Apps) to facilitate literacy and core vocabulary.   You can read Deanne’s post about it here. Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoeo1Z9Fqno    

All About Literacy: Past Posts

September 30, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

All About Literacy: Past Posts

We say goodbye to International Literacy Month.  It’s time to move on…. to International AAC Month (exciting things to come  😉 ). But, just in case you missed any of our past posts about literacy, here they are all together. Reasons to Discover & Love MeeGenius 5 Ways to Help People with AAC Needs Develop Inner Speech 5+ Sites for Free AAC Friendly Literacy Resources Making Decisions About Reading Accessibility Options Loving Literacy Resources Making Libraries Inclusive 5 Things We Love for Supporting Literacy Learning by People Who Use AAC 5 Ways to Make Page Fluffers & Spacers 14 Valentines Day Activities:m Love, Literacy, & Learning  The Joy of Reading: World Book Day 5 More Resources and Ideas for World Book Day Literacy, AT,, & Students with Significant Disabilities PrAACtically Ready to Read 7 Apps and Activities for ALL Writers Literacy For All: A Video Series by Dr. Caroline Musselwhite... [Read More...]