582 Search Results for a year of core

Throw Back Thursday- Past Posts on Teaching Core Words

May 15, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Throw Back Thursday- Past Posts on Teaching Core Words

About Teaching Core Words  Teaching Core Vocabulary Core Vocabulary All Day Long 5 Things To Do If  You’re Not Confident Teaching Core Vocabulary Joining Core and Fringe Vocabulary What’s The Connection: Visual Schedules and Core Vocabulary Core Words and the Curriculum Core Words, Direct Vocabulary Instruction, & The Beginning Communicator Core Vocabulary: Making Sense of Symbols More on Teaching Core Vocabulary Thoughts on Teaching Core Vocabulary Teaching Core Vocabulary with Direct Instruction Strategies Core Vocabulary- Specific Teaching Ideas PrAACtical AAC Core Words & July Fourth: Get Ready, Get Set, Go Cookies and Core August Core Word PrAACtice Ideas September PrAACtice With A Year of Core Words October PrAACtice With A Year of Core Words November Core Word PrAACtice Ideas December Core Word PrAACtice Ideas Core Word Vocabulary Words A Year of Core Vocabulary Another Year of Core Vocabulary The First 12: Getting Started With Core Words More on Core Words:... [Read More...]

2014 Core Words Visualized

May 9, 2014 by - 2 Comments

2014 Core Words Visualized

At the beginning of 2014, we posted another year of core vocabulary words. If you did not have time to plug in symbols, here are the January through May core words with PCS symbols in PDF format. You can print, laminate, and keep them handy as you are teaching core words.  We also often give them to educators and families as a reminder to help everyone stay focused on the core words of the week or month. In fact, it was a parent request for these that got us motivated to get the PCS portion completed (Thanks, Liz).  Look for June – December early next week.    January 2014 Core Words February 2014 Core Words March 2014 Core Words April Core Words May Core Words You can download a PDF file with all the words from January-June, 2014 here. All of these resources can also be directly printed from the... [Read More...]

Get Organized for the New Year- 5 Visual Schedule Apps

January 3, 2014 by - 2 Comments

Get Organized for the New Year- 5 Visual Schedule Apps

It’s a New Year- 2014. Most of us use schedules– even when we know and accept the schedule.  Many of us use schedules even though we do not have ‘transition issues’.    However, ‘seeing’ our schedules often helps decrease anxiety and assure us the day will be ok because even if there are some ‘not so great’ activities, most of what we do is fairly good. Schedules can be created by using materials ranging from no-tech to high-tech.  You can teach talking about past, present, and future events with schedules. You can also use schedules to teach core words.  Here are 6 great visual schedule apps to help with ‘teching’ up the process.  By ‘teching up’ the process, we also can add to independence so ALL learners can create their own schedules. We think it is important to let you know that ALL of the app developers provide information about... [Read More...]

It’s PrAACtically A New Year!

December 31, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

It PrAACtically A New Year

It is just about 2014. Hard to believe another year is finished and we are moving on once again. Our wishes for 2014 are for ALL Learners to have access to:  Aided Language Input Communication Displays that meet their needs Role Models Presumed Competence Core Word Instruction Fringe Word Instruction Friends Many Meaningful Language Experiences Frequent Communication Opportunities Fun Learning   Our Wishes for ALL SLP’s and Educators to have access to: An Exciting and Stimulating Personal Learning Network (PLN) Appropriate Goals and Strategies Meaningful Language Experiences Role Models Laminator and Laminator Materials Literacy Materials Core Word Highlighter Tools, Page Fluffers & Spacers,  Apps for Learning Language An AAC Philosophy Fun Teaching  

Core Words, Direct Vocabulary Instruction, & The Beginning Communicator

November 30, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Vocabulary Instruction & the Beginning Communicator

Direct vocabulary instruction is important for all level learners.  The beginning communicator needs to learn core word vocabulary from USING the words and one of the best  ways to learn how to USE core words, is to receive specific direct instruction with many opportunities for active participation. 6 Essential Philosophies &  Strategies Vocabulary instruction involves a systematic TEACHING process.  Add vocabulary or Words as an activity on the daily schedule and then have a mini-schedule for the specific vocabulary instruction activities for that day. Initially, apply an errorless learning paradigm. Then, gradually, add comprehension checks, but do not wait for ‘proof’ of comprehension before adding new words because we often notice that the beginning communicator will demonstrate comprehension during ‘unexpected opportunities- or when you are least expecting it. Once learners become familiar with some of the specific vocabulary activities, then have some choice making opportunities as to which ‘word activities’... [Read More...]

Teaching Core Vocabulary with Direct Instruction Strategies

November 9, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Teaching Core Vocabulary with Direct Instruction Strategies

Vocabulary instruction involves a systematic TEACHING process. Core vocabulary words are harder to represent with pictures but still need to be taught with direct instruction. Many of the strategies and activities are part of general vocabulary teaching. Decide your core word vocabulary to teach and begin with strategies, steps, and fun activities. Teaching Strategies Teach in Meaningful Language Experiences– Create activities about the words but also about the communication behind the words.  Develop activities that are meaningful to the learners. Provide Active Participation Opportunities- Develop many, many (many) opportunities for the learners to use the vocabulary as an expressive communication tool as well as for receptive language.  Have the learner interact with the core word vocabulary rather than just listen to explanations. Give the vocabulary communicative power for the learner.  Use Aided Language Input– Model AAC style. Use Focused Language Stimulation – Highlight new words and use them repetitively. We like... [Read More...]

Strategy of the Month: Thoughts on Teaching Core Vocabulary

November 2, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Thoughts on Teaching Core Vocabulary

Teaching new words is something SLPs plan for in almost every service delivery setting. This month, we’ll focus on vocabulary instruction for core and extended vocabulary. Thoughts on Teaching Core Vocabulary In Advance Plan ahead. Make a rough plan of the core words you will teach and when you will introduce them to the AAC learner. Make sure there is plenty of variety, especially pronouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and determiners. Words for talking about time (e.g., now, later), asking questions (e.g., what, where), and negation (e.g., not) are important, too. Here’s a link to our post on A Year of Core and A Year of Core, Unity Style. Ensure that the AAC learner has access to communication aids with an adequate base of core vocabulary. What if the learner doesn’t have an SGD or AAC app that is core language based? If you can update that to something with good core... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday- Core Word Round-Up

October 17, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Throw-Back Thursday- Core Word Round-Up

Core Word Round-up!                             Core Word PrAACtice Ideas Magic Moments: AAC Intervention with  Stop and Go App Magic Moments with Toca Store  Magic Moments with Sentence Builder Magic Moments with Verb Circus HiJAACked! Putting an AAC Twist on Gen Ed AACtivities: The Hallelujah Flight AAC Goes to PreSchool 5 PrAACtical Uses for Flashcard Apps Visual Language, Core Words, & Martin Luther King Can I Ask You A Question? Breakthroughs with Bubbles with Tanna Neufeld 14 Valentine’s Day Activities, Love, Literacy, & Learning AAC Learning with Play Dough by Jamie Cooley 5 Ways to Use Power Point in AAC Intervention 5 PrAACtical Thoughts on Catch-Up Conversations How I do It- Marlene Cummings Shares an Implementation Toolbox AACtual Theray with Tanna Neufeld- Use Your Best Spud To Teach Vocabulary How I Do It- Marlene Cummings On Strengthening the Communication... [Read More...]

Core in the Curriculum

August 31, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Core Words and the Curriculum

Core words can easily be incorporated into academic curriculum. There just needs to be systematic planning for core word vocabulary and then of course the joining of fringe words.  One of the best visual explanations of core words is in the now ‘famous’ you tube video Language Stealers (HD). If you have not seen it, it is worth watching for  many reasons but in the context of this post, it perfectly illustrates how you can teach about  Greek and Roman history with core words. Planning for Core Words for the Classroom (& ALL School Activities) Have the core word communication board with you at ALL times– If you (SLP/Educator)  have your core word communication board, you can model and teach the target core words during all lessons. A premise of this approach is that the student has access to their core word vocabulary display on a no-tech communication board or on their... [Read More...]

PrAACtical AAC Core Words & July 4th: Get Ready, Get Set, Go

July 3, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAActical AAC Learning & July 4th: Get Ready, Get Set, Go

Begin the July 4th conversation now, talk about it on the 4th as it is happening, and then  summarize the experience on Friday (after) with pictures, conversation, writing, and reading.  We love holiday celebrations for the preparation as much as the celebration itself. It builds excitement AND gives us a chance to prAACtice core words as well as begin special activities.  If you have not already started, today is a good day to introduce a social story™ especially if a learner has difficulty with loud noises (firecrackers), crowds or lots of people, new foods (picnics) or  routine changes. A participation story is also helpful just to prepare learners for the celebration activities. It is also a good idea to develop meaningful language activities about July 4th today.  Get some great free stories from TarHeel Reader – July 4th Books.  Make art projects, play games, sing songs, prepare recipes which will help teach new... [Read More...]