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Watch it Wednesday: Visuals Everyday by Maricarmen Saleta

May 7, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Watch it Wednesday- Visuals Everyday

We believe all months and days should be dedicated to better speech (communication) and hearing. However, May is the official Better Speech and Hearing Month.  With that in mind, no-tech visual supports help us all have better understanding and expressive communication.  Watch the University of Miami and Nova Southeastern University- Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UM-NSU CARD) webinar by Maricarmen Saleta as she gives great explanations and examples of ‘Visuals Everyday’.   Direct Link:  http://umnsucard.adobeconnect.com/p59bqo69epm/

Video of the Week: Shared Book Reading

May 4, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Shared Book Reading

Shared book reading is one of our favorite things to do when spending time with AAC learners. We love the interactive nature of shared reading, and appreciate the fact that we can make books engaging with the use of props and by relating the text to the learner’s life experiences. In today’s featured video, we learn more about the use of shared reading and how it can be used with people who have significant disabilities. Dr. Karen Erickson’s video comes from the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment System. Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwSxTDsQZb0&feature=youtu.be  

Watch It Wednesday: “How Do You Feel About…?”

April 23, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Last week, we were delighted to have a post by Dr. Joan Murphy about a research-based approach called Talking Mats. In this post, we share a video of the implementation of this concept with Charlie, a preschooler who has considerable oral language but nonetheless benefits from making language visible. Take a look. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgPBHxxLerA

Video of the Week: Video Demonstrations for Teaching Concepts and PCS

April 13, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

This week, we’re thrilled to feature a set of videos by Andrea Huist, who created them for an undergraduate honor’s thesis on teaching concepts and PCS symbols. They were posted by her mentor at Ohio University, Dr. John McCarthy. We are looking forward to more information about Andrea’s single subject experimental design study. Until then, enjoy using these great videos! Direct Link to Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT91Ic1rxOM&list=PLGYr3j2I8_zMUMyShLSlbJcP0dSumJJNc

Video of the Week: What Do You Want to Do?

April 6, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: What Do You Want to Do?

Looking for a prAACtical way to introduce basic visual supports to families of kids with AAC needs? This week we feature a video from Arizona State University’s Tots ‘n Tech Project that is perfect to share with families who are ready to add a few visual supports into their lives. We love the simplicity of this video and the engaging support document that accompanies it.  Direct Link to Video: http://tnt.asu.edu/ideas/communication-socializing/what-do-you-want-do-chart  

Video of the Week: Connecting with Prelinguistic Communicators

March 30, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Connecting with Prelinguistic Communicators

In our video post this week, we’re sharing a number of video clips demonstrating interactions between children with vision and hearing loss and their interventionists. We love the child-directed nature of the interactions and the contingent responses from the adults. The connections they are making strengthen the foundation for future language development. Take a look.   Direct Link to Videos: http://vimeo.com/search?q=teaching+prelinguistic+communication  

Video of the Week: Core Vocabulary in Action

March 23, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Core Vocabulary in Action

“I eat biscuits when I talk about things.” “How about yesterday?” “What do you like making?” “Kay said, Put away toys.” “What did you say?” “After meeting we did go eat mini burger.” “What did you eat for dinner?” “I will eat one biscuit now.” Isn’t it a treat to see kids really using core language? There is so much to love about this video of Kingsley, a youngster with autism, and his dad. From the child-directed interaction, to the contingent responding, to the language elicitation strategies (e.g., “You start”), to reminders about punctuation, to the sheer love of interaction, and more. This is one to savor.  Direct link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jHWeD9ivc0  

AACtual Therapy with Jeanne Tuthill: AAC Assessment Activity

March 20, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

AACtual Therapy with Jeanne Tuthill: AAC Assessment Activity

We’re so excited to introduce a new AACtual therapist, Jeanne Tuthill. Jeanne has been an SLP for over 15 years and has specialized in AAC for the past 6 years.  As an AT specialist for the Collaborative Center for Assistive Technology and Training (CCATT) in Northampton, Massachusetts, Jeanne evaluates and provides consultation services for K-12 students in schools throughout Western  Massachusetts. In addition, she provides workshops and professional development training in that region.  Since 2012, Jeanne has served as an adjunct faculty member for the Assistive Technology Graduate Program at Simmons College. She has also presented at a number of regional and national conferences. You can see Jeanne here with her long-time student Lauren Suprenant, who is using a Step-by-Step Communicator, to share information about how she communicates with others (introduction strategy). Jeanne shares a little bit about her work and then discusses an activity that is used in their AAC... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: A Right to Communicate

March 16, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Our very favorite videos to share are those that feature the ideas of people who use AAC. Today, we’re excited to share a wonderful video from the Communication Friends group in Scotland. Their video was produced with funding from the Scottish initiative, ‘A Right to Speak.’ These folks have some great tips. “Don’t be scared of this fancy machine. Switch it on and I’ll do the rest.” What an amazing group of therapists and communicators! Take a look:   Direct link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx338vnATIA&feature=youtu.be  

Before We Read: Using Predictions for PrAACtical Learning

March 14, 2014 by - 4 Comments

Before We Read: Using Predictions for PrAACtical Learning

This month, we’re focusing on literacy learning for our Monday posts on Strategy of the Month. In honor of that topic, here’s a quick tip for adding a bit of interaction to book reading. This tip works for books you’ve never read before, or perhaps haven’t read in a really long time. Take a few minutes before the reading begins to predict what the book will be about. We’ll get to the ‘How To’ part in a minute, but first, here’s why we think this is a prAACtical idea. It gets AAC learners thinking about something more than requesting, and we know you are just as passionate about that as we are. It helps the AAC learner activate their background knowledge, something that (we’ve noticed) many of them don’t do automatically. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t capable of it, of course, but it does mean they need practice and... [Read More...]