573 Search Results for video school

Video of the Week: Every Second Counts with Lindy McDaniel

August 12, 2015 by - 3 Comments

Video of the Week: Every Second Counts with Lindy McDaniel

I’m so excited to share today’s video, featuring Lindy McDaniel, who writes one of my favorite classroom blogs, The Considerate Classroom. This video project was sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Education, and is part of a collaborative effort between them, TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports and the Colorado Department of Education. Many children with AAC needs lack essential “learning to learn” skills, which limits them in many ways. I appreciate Lindy’s thoughtful approach to this challenge and the caring, respectful way in which she helps children build their abilities in this important area.  Enjoy “Every Second Counts-Embedding Functional Learning Throughout the School Day.”   

Video of the Week: Multimodal Communication in the Classroom

May 6, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Multimodal Communication in the Classroom

All around the world, students with AAC needs are increasingly afforded the tools and supports that they need to build effective communication skills. Today, we travel to England to peek into a classroom at the Milestone School in Gloucestershire. One thing that I just love about this video is that the adults honor and model multiple modes of communication. AAC devices are wonderful, but we can’t get so focused on them that we forget the important role that gestures, vocalizations and manual signs can play. Take a look. Direct Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HygplCyZtoA  

Video of the Week: AAC for Students Who Can Speak

April 8, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC for Students Who Can Speak

“But my student can speak. Why would we use AAC?” We often get this question from our fellow SLPs, particularly those who work with students who have autism. From the question alone, it seems like AAC is not needed, and would be a step backward for this particular student. But what happens when we dig a little deeper? The last time this question was posed to me, it was about Marcella, an 8 year old with ASD. As the conversation progressed, we learned more about Marcella’s communication profile. Independently, she uses 2-3 word sentences to ask for things she wants (e.g., “Want that popsicle.” “More Dora”) and single words to protest (“No!”). With prompting Marcella uses 1-2 words for greeting (e.g., “Hi Tony”), labelling (e.g., “Dora book”), answer questions, (e.g., “here,” “sunny”) and a few other social purposes. So, what’s the problem? For starters, Marcella is capable of more. In... [Read More...]

Video of the Week – Lilly Gets New Words!

March 25, 2015 by - 3 Comments

Video of the Week - Lilly Gets New Words!

  There is so much to love about this wonderful video from Lindy McDaniel, preschool teacher and author of the fabulous blog, The Considerate Classroom. It is such fun to watch her introduce little Lilly to a new communication aid and assist her in getting comfortable with expanded vocabulary options. From the way she engages with her student, to her use of aided language input, to her skill in behavior management, to the way that she supports the student in interacting with unfamiliar partners, this is a video to savor. Enjoy!    

Video of the Week: Technology for Us, Too!

February 11, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Technology for Us, Too!

How can we integrate technology into the instruction of students with vision impairments and multiple disabilities? Nathalie de Wit, Lead Teacher at the Perkins School for the Blind Lower School has lots of ideas. Alternate: http://www.pathstoliteracy.org/resources/assistive-technology-ideas-students-multiple-disabilities-and-visual-impairments

Video of the Week: Recommended Practices for Beginning Communicators

January 21, 2015 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week: Recommended Practices for Beginning Communicators

We return to the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire to learn about ways to support beginning communicators. In this video, Dr. Rae Sonnenmeier discusses ways to create communication opportunities, research evidence for key intervention practices, and strategies that communication facilitators can use to support AAC learners at home, in school, and in the community.  

Video of the Week: AT Throughout the Day for Students with Significant Disabilities

January 14, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AT Throughout the Day for Students with Significant Disabilities

Everyone knows that when it comes to skill development for students with significant disabilities, it’s important to provide a great deal of practice. Making that happen, however, can be challenging, particularly as students get older. Take a look at these ideas shared by the Provisional Inclusion Outreach Program of British Columbia Minstry of Education. Quick Time Required: http://www.pisp.ca/video/videos/High%20School%20Participation.mov

Video of the Week: The Communication Portfolio

October 5, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Helping teams to get to know the communication abilities of our AAC clients is something many of us struggle with. In this video from The Perkins School, we learn about their process for developing communication portfolios. http://www.perkins.org/resources/webcasts/communications-portfolio.html    

Video of the Week: PODD in the ASD Classroom

August 17, 2014 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: PODD in the ASD Classroom

When something works, it’s worth sharing. This week, we travel to the UK, where SLP Laura Tarver gives a quick overview of using PODD books in a classroom of children with ASD at Eagle House Primary School. You can learn more about PODD here. Direct Link to Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shrO9jd73Pg