262 Search Results for video autism

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #18: May 2021

May 2, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #18: May 2021

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you may have missed. Monday – School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 10 (May) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Data Privacy and Security for AAC Thursday – PrAACtically May: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words Have time for a little more? Here are a couple of suggestions. AAC Funding Help Building Your AAC SLP Toolkit: Obtaining Free Apps for AAC Evaluations Check Your Knowledge of AT History AACtual Therapy: Making Core Words Fun for Students with Autism

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 10 (May) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

April 26, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 10 (May) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

It’s almost May so we’re back with another post in the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Series by guest authors Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, and Beth Lytle. This series focuses on a selected set of words to highlight for the month along with a suggested order in which to teach them. Therapists and teachers will appreciate the Activity Packets, containing suggestions for highlighting these words in a variety of activities. Their Data Collection Forms and tips on using shared reading in our AAC teaching are appropriate for AAC learners of various ages. If you are new to this series, you may want to review the introduction that our series and check out the first 9 months of the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words using the links below. You can find posts for previous months in the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words below. Introduction to the School Year... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #14: April 2021

April 4, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #14: April 2021

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you might enjoy. Monday – PrAACtically April – More AAC Resources for A Year of Core Words Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Ethical Issues in AAC Thursday – 30 PrAACtical Ideas for Celebrating Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month Friday – PráctiCAAmente Conectados Con Links Abril 2021 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: In recognition of Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month, here are some autism-related posts to get you in the mood to celebrate those around us who have autism. Building Engagement in Young Students with Autism AACtual Therapy: Making Core Words Fun for Students with Autism Autism and AAC: 5 Pinterest Boards to Follow Evidence-based AAC Strategies for Students with Autism with Betsy Corporale An ABA Perspective on AAC for Students with Autism Before you go, enjoy the ABC’s of  Autism support…

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 9 (April) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

March 25, 2021 by - 2 Comments

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 9 (April) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

Before we turn the page on the calendar, here’s the April post in the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words Series by guest authors Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, and Beth Lytle. This series focuses on a selected set of words to highlight for the month along with a suggested order in which to teach them. Therapists and teachers will appreciate the Activity Packets, containing suggestions for highlighting these words in a variety of activities. Their Data Collection Forms and tips on using shared reading in our AAC teaching are appropriate for AAC learners of various ages. If you are new to this series, you may want to review the introduction that our series authors created before delving into this month’s target words. You can see series overview here. You can also review the first 8 months of the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words using the links at the bottom... [Read More...]

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 7 (February) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

January 25, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 7 (February) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

It’s prAACtically February and that means we’re preparing new lessons, materials, and activities for another set of high-frequency words. We welcome back guest authors Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, and Beth Lytle with their latest post in the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words series which focuses on a selected set of words to highlight for the month along. This month, they highlight an important intervention strategy, recasting, that we use to facilitate language development. Also, be sure to check out the helpful Activity Packets, containing sheets on highlighting these words in a variety of activities, and Data Collection Forms. If you are new to this series, you may want to review the introduction that our series authors created before delving into this month’s target words. You can see the guest authors’ overview here. You can also review the first 6 months of the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words using... [Read More...]

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 6 (January) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

December 31, 2020 by - 3 Comments

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 6 (January) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

As we turn the page on the calendar, we’re also thinking ahead to getting back to school after the holiday season. Today, we share the latest post in the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words series, guest authored by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, and Beth Lytle. This series focuses on a selected set of words to highlight for the month along with a suggested order in which to teach them. Therapists and teachers will appreciate the Activity Packets, containing sheets on highlighting these words in a variety of activities, and Data Collection Forms. For January, they’re discussing an important intervention strategy, descriptive teaching. If you are new to this series, you may want to review the introduction that our series authors created before delving into this month’s target words. You can see the guest authors’ overview here. You can also review the first 5 months of School Year of Core... [Read More...]

Throwback Thursday: Preschool Children with AAC Needs

December 17, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Throwback Thursday: Preschool Children with AAC Needs

It’s another Throwback Thursday and today we’re looking back through the archives at posts on AAC for young children. Enjoy! PrAACtically Reading: Books Featuring Children & Youth with Disabilities Parent-Implemented AAC Intervention for Young Children From Wheelchair to Hands-free Walker for Preschool Children with AAC Needs, Part 1, Part 2 Using Vest Displays with Preschoolers on the Autism Spectrum with guest author Dr. Carol Goossens’ Mining the Preschool Routine for PrAACtical AAC Opportunities Supporting Preschoolers with AAC Needs: A Case Study Visual Supports in Action in the Preschool Classroom TELL ME: AAC in  the Preschool Classroom TELL ME About It TELL ME AAC Literacy Kits Brown Bear, Brown Bear I Went Walking From Head to Toe Here Are My Hands What Do You Like? Go Away Big Green Monster No, David Come Out and Play, Little Mouse The Lunch Box Surprise If You’re Angry and You Know It Max’s Breakfast... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #45: November 2020

November 8, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #44: November 2020

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We’re breathing a sigh of relief today and smiling from ear to ear. If you were a bit distracted this week, you might have missed a post or two. Monday – AACtual Therapy: Chaining in AAC Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Achieving Authentic Communication Thursday – Throwback Thursday: AAC at School Friday – PráctiCAAmente Conectados Con Links – Noviembre ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If you’re still in the mood for browsing, check out the selections below. PrAACtical Thoughts on Mastery 5 Things to Do When AAC Learners are Inconsistent PrAACtical Teaching in the Autism Classroom: Instructional Activities for Core Vocabulary Core Values: Suggestions for Language Building with AAC Learners More Words, Please! Expanding Our Manual Communication Boards

AACtual Therapy: Chaining in AAC

November 2, 2020 by - 1 Comment

AACtual Therapy: Chaining in AAC

Effective AAC interventionists know the importance of being skilled in using a number of different strategies and techniques for building language. So we’re pleased that SLPs Kate Grandbois and Amy Wonkka are making a return visit to talk more about their favorite therapy strategies and how to apply them to AAC skill-building. In today’s post, they discuss the use of chaining in teaching individuals with AAC needs. You can see their previous post here. Also, don’t miss the link to their podcast at the end, especially if you are interested in earning CEUs for listening. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bringing it all Together, Episode 2:  Chaining in AAC As we mentioned in our previous article, most SLPs have come across popular AAC interventions, like aided language modeling.  But there are other interventions, like chaining, that don’t quite get the time in the limelight that they deserve.  Chaining is one of these interventions.  Chaining... [Read More...]

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 4 (November) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

October 29, 2020 by - 2 Comments

School Year of Core Vocabulary Words: AAC Resources for Month 4 (November) by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, & Beth Lytle

Welcome to the November post in the School Year of Core Vocabulary Words series! Each of these posts, guest authored by Michaela Sullivan, Alisa Lego, and Beth Lytle, focuses on a selected set of words along with a suggested order in which to teach them. The Activity Packets, containing sheets on highlighting these words in a variety of activities, and Data Collection Forms. In addition to these resources, they share ideas for customizing AAC systems. New to this series? Check out the guest authors’ overview here. Enjoy! A SCHOOL YEAR OF CORE WORDS: NOVEMBER by Michaela Sullivan, Beth Lytle, & Alisa Lego To the parents, teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists, Paraprofessionals, friends, and other curious professionals or communicators – welcome back to the monthly School Year of Core Words- November Edition. If this is the first time you’re visiting this posting, we welcome you and hope that you find our resources helpful... [Read More...]