183 Search Results for tatenhove

PrAACtical Information: 5 AAC Presentation Handouts

November 9, 2017 by - 1 Comment

PrAACtical Information: 5 AAC Presentation Handouts

In a perfect world, we’d all be able to travel to conferences whenever we wished to soak up the AAC expertise from presenters around the world. Until then, we’ll keep posting links to handouts from conferences, workshops, and inservices with AAC content. Developing Language and Communication Power Usin a Core Vocabulary Classroom Approach by Gail Van Tatenhove Getting and Keeping AAC After High School Considerations for Transitioning Students who Use AAC Now, and Who Will Need AAC in the Future by Kathryn Helland AAC Strategies and Considerations for Children with Severe Speech Disorders: Not a Substitution, Just Part of the Solution by Erinn Fincke Life Before and After PECS: Reflections on Supports for Early Communication and Language by Cathy Binger Is the iPad the Best AAC Choice? by Nykki Montano

PrAACtically November: AAC Resources for a Year of Core Vocabulary

October 30, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically November: AAC Resources for a Year of Core Vocabulary

It’s just about time to turn another page on the calendar, and that means we’re busy preparing materials and activities for our November core words. Are you looking for some ways to help your AAC learners become more competent in using core words? Need to get staff on board with modeling core vocabulary? Trying to get familiar with where core words are stored in a particular SGD or AAC app? Here’s an approach you may want to try: Choose a dozen or so core words to focus on each month. In previous years, we shared lists of some core words to help you do just that. 2013: A Year of Core (12 words/month) 2014: A(nother) Year of Core  (16 words/month; Note: These are different than the core words covered in 2013) Those posts have links to downloadable grids with the core words for each month that can be used as a focal... [Read More...]

PrAACtically October: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary

September 25, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically October: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary

Know any AAC learners like these? Jeremiah has an SGD with thousands of core and fringe words, but he uses less than 100 of them in day-to-day life. Bella used an AAC app with visual scene displays to interact at playtime and during daily routines for the past several months. Her team just added an app with a grid-based vocabulary so that she can begin to create novel sentences and expand her language abilities. Mason was recently evaluated for an AAC device, but it will likely take a few months to get the funding situation straightened out. In the meantime, his team created a manual communication board that mirrors the main screen of the SGD’s language software. Each of them needs lots of practice to become fluent with the core words in their AAC systems. Are you looking for resources to support your use of core words in therapy, in... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Resources: Teaching Peers About AAC

September 21, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Resources: Teaching Peers About AAC

It is not overstating things to say that Gail Van Tatenhove’s resources have shaped the way AAC is practiced all around the world. In this post, we share a terrific booklet that she created to help those who are supporting students in inclusive settings. While this specific resource is designed to teach the basic idea of Minspeak, the student-friendly approach she has used is a wonderful example that can inspire those of us who support students working with a wider variety of AAC systems. Enjoy this little gem! You can download it here or by clicking on the image below.

Video of the Week: AAC Data Collection

September 13, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AAC Data Collection

Measuring progress is part of good therapy and instruction, but knowing how to address this in meaningful ways for AAC learners can be tricky. In today’s post, AAC expert Gail Van Tatenhove discusses the who, what, when, where, why, and how of AAC data collection for school-based teams. The video is part of the Power AAC initiative at PaTTAN. Many thanks to their wonderful AT Team and to Gail for this wonderful presentation. Handouts for this presentation can be downloaded here. You can see more videos and material from Gail in these previous posts.

PrAACtical Resources on Language Development

August 31, 2017 by - 1 Comment

PrAACtical Resources on Language Development

Are you planning language therapy or vocabulary instruction with AAC learners? For more than three decades, families, professionals, and people with complex communication needs have benefited from the insights and support of master clinician Gail Van Tatenhove. Among other things, Gail’s work has shaped the design of AAC technology and the practice of AAC in clinical and educational settings around the world. In today’s post, we share two of Gail’s resources on language development and academic vocabulary. Enjoy! Normal Language Acquisition & Children Using AAC Systems Academic Vocabulary

PrAACtically September: AAC Resources for a Year of Core Vocabulary

August 28, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically September: AAC Resources for a Year of Core Vocabulary

Are you supporting AAC learners who have SGDs or communication boards/books with high-frequency words? If so, join us as we work to model, practice, and teach these words throughout the day. It can feel overwhelming, so we tend to focus on a subset of words each month. The Year of Core Vocabulary approach isn’t a developmental list of words to be introduced in a specific order, but rather a way of gradually exposing learners to more and more words over time. We do that by modeling them on their device or communication aid when we talk, and plan specific instructional activities to teach word meanings, play games to help them better recognize and understand the symbols for those words, and, elicit them frequently from those who are just learning their AAC systems. Our AAC friends need practice, practice, and more practice. Over time, they will gain more fluency and automaticity with the words in their AAC... [Read More...]

3 Tools for AAC Planning

August 14, 2017 by - 2 Comments

3 Tools for AAC Planning

Are you doing some planning for students with AAC needs? Here are a handful of resources that may be helpful. Vocabulary graphic organizer by Speak for Yourself  Form to collect information about fringe vocabulary for home and school by Gateway to Language and Learning Needs assessment by Gail Van Tatenhove 

Video of the Week: Supporting AAC Learners in the Classroom

August 2, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Supporting AAC Learners in the Classroom

Getting ready to head back to school? There are lots of things we can do to help our AAC learners be successful in the classroom and develop their language skills. In today’s post, we feature another wonderful video in the Power AAC series sponsored by PaTTAN. Master AAC clinician Gail Van Tatenhove is the speaker and shares essential information about ways in which partners can support students who are learning to use AAC systems. Before beginning, you may want to download this handout with links to video clips of the target strategies being used.   We’re grateful to Gail and PaTTAN for making this video and sharing it so that we can all benefit.  

PrAACtically August: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words

July 24, 2017 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtically August: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Words

The summer is flying by here in Florida and we’re starting to think about heading back to school. Teachers, therapists, and aides play a pivotal role in helping AAC learners develop skills with core vocabulary so that they have a body of words that can be used across activities, environments, and communication partners. There are lots of ‘right’ ways to support these students. Among them is an instructional approach in which a new set of core words is introduced every few weeks in order to build their experiences with AAC. Our Year of Core Words materials has two versions, one from 2013 (12 words/month) and one from 2014 (16 words/month; Different than the previous year’s core words). If you’ve been following along, or are just getting started, these resources may be of interest. Set 1 (2013) Words: any, bring, day, fall, give, hot, job, know, other, sick, sorry, together Set 2 (2014) Words: aide, animal, clothes,... [Read More...]