Piggy's AAC Phone

May 27, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Piggy's AAC Phone

Not sure how we missed this great video when it first came out, but it is worth sharing. It was made by Michael Brian Reed and friends for the Many Stories, One Voice Online Collection in support of International AAC Month back in 2008. Michael also posted some tutorials on how to create animated video stories and posted them to his YouTube Channel.

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PrAACtical Information on Supporting Physical Access to SGDs and Mobile Devices

May 20, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Information on Supporting Physical Access to SGDs and Mobile Devices

– For many people who use AAC, one of the biggest hurdles to communicating more effectively involves physically accessing their SGDs and/or mobile devices. – In this week’s video, we feature a collection of resources on this topic by SET BC. The collection has 7 complete modules, with print information, presentations, and videos. We’re linking to the series here so that you can explore any of the ones that are of interest to you. –

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AAC in the Classroom

May 6, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC in the Classroom

AAC Extreme Makeover: Classroom Edition is a recorded presentation based on a full workshop for educators and clinicians.  In this 3-part series hosted by SET BC, Gail Van Tatenhove provides an overview of 6 fundamental concepts for implementing AAC in special and general education classrooms. Each segment is less than 30 minutes and has narrated PowerPoint slides.

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Gestures as Part of a Multimodal Communication System

April 22, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Gestures as Part of a Multimodal Communication System

Gesture Recognition in Aphasia Therapy (GeST) is a project that emphasizes the use of gestures to help individuals with aphasia communicate effectively. GeST is a computer-based program to teach simple gestures and provide home practice opportunities. Project leaders used a participatory design to gain the input from 5 people with aphasia in developing the program. They are currently evaluating its effectiveness in a pilot study. We are big fans of multimodal communication and love the prAACtical applications of this program. You can check it out for yourself at this video.

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AAC in 5

April 15, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC in 5

We’re so envious of London’s City University event, Therapy Ideas Live, that we read about on the Therapy Ideas blog.Their lightning talks on various SLPs, like this one on AAC and the iPad by Rebecca Bright of Therapy Box, are limited to 5 minutes. Based on the Ignite model, (‘Enlighten us, but make it quick!’) they are a perfect fit for our waning attention spans. What can you learn in 5 minutes? A lot! Enjoy! –

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Schedule Changes

April 8, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Schedule Changes

We couldn’t resist one more video about visual schedules. There are so many things we love about this one from SET BC, starting with the fact that the student sets it up. We also love hearing how they have changed the schedule to meet the student’s individual needs as he has matured. My favorite part was hearing how successfully they used a ‘Something’s Different’ symbol to indicate when an unusual activity was going to occur. – Happy viewing! – –

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Video of the Week: Building Complex Schedules

March 25, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Building Complex Schedules

This week, we feature a video that highlights software for making picture schedules by Cognitopia. We like how this video helps illustrate the decision-making process for developing a picture schedule using Picture Planner 3.0. You can download a free trial here and access the lite version of the app here. We like how this video reminds us to consider not just what the person will be doing at a particular time, but also what they will need to bring or have in order to be successful.

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