School Strategies for Everyone INCLUDES Visual Supports (AAC) for Everyone!

August 4, 2013 by - 2 Comments

School Strategies for Everyone Includes Visual Strategies

Great video for supporting students with autism in inclusive secondary settings.  But, actually, these strategies can work for everyone.  Most of them are just good teaching strategies. Can you count the visual strategies for understanding, for expression, for organization and behavior? Direct link to video:” site=”youtube      

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An AAC App from the Ivory Tower- SpeakAll &SpeakMore

July 28, 2013 by - 5 Comments

AAC Apps from the Ivory Tower: SpeakAll & SpeakMore

We first introduced SpeakAll, an app from Purdue University more than a year ago. Dr. Oliver Wendt explained how SpeakAll (free) was developed from a service-oriented project.  SpeakAll has helped many children with autism and other significant communication difficulties. Watch to see how Dr. Wendt and families talk about SpeakAll and the soon to be released SpeakMore.

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Video of the Week: AT Assessment for People with Motor and Sensory Difficulties

July 21, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: AT Assessment for People with Motor and Sensory Difficulties

SLP Jane Korsten is well known to many as the author of the popular program, Every Move Counts, and for her leadership role in the Quality Indicators in AT group. This week, we feature Jane’s webinar on assessment in AT hosted bythe Maryland AT Network, the Maryland State Department of Education, and Johns Hopkins University. She discusses several helpful resources and reviews 6 assessment processes used in the AT assessment of individuals with motor and sensory impairments.     

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Employment is for Everyone!

July 14, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week- Everyone Works

Employment is for Everyone. Work is more than work in that we often define ourselves by what we do, we talk about work, we make friends at work, we share stories about work. That is one of the reasons we are so glad that the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council spends time and effort help supporting work for individuals with disabilities.  The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council was established in 1971 and has planned and provided  access to individual and family-centered supports for persons with disabilities.  Within these activities, a top priority has been employment for adults with developmental disabilities. This video summarizes some of the strategies and approaches that help guide successful employment which leads to greater independence.

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AAC Therapy: Putting Parents in Charge

July 7, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Therapy: Putting Parents in Charge

In this week’s video, we share the thoughts of Australian SLP Gail Bennell. In this video, Gail provides some interesting perspectives on helping families take charge of the AAC and other therapies in which their children participate. Gail offers professional online support to parents of nonverbal children and is on a mission to help nonverbal children everywhere learn how to communicate so they can reach their full potential. You can find her handouts and get more information at Gail’s website, . –  

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Video of the Week: Intimacy as a Human Need (2012 ISAAC-Words+ Consumer Lecture Award)

June 30, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Intimacy as a Human Need (2012 ISAAC-Words+ Consumer Lecture Award)

This week’s video features a presentation by Lisa Lehman, winner of the 2012 ISAAC-Words+ Outstanding Consumer Lecture Award. Presented in Pittsburgh at ISAAC’s Biennial Conference last summer, Lisa addresses the topic of intimacy in the human experience.  

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Video of the Week: “I Just Want to Belong” Meaningful Inclusion

June 23, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week: “I Just Want to Belong” Meaningful Inclusion

For school-aged children, few things are more painful that being excluded from a group. Today we’re excited to share a series of videos from SET-BC on the topic of social inclusion. Laurie Smith and Lorraine Kamp produced two substantial videos entitled Speaking Out and Joining In. They also have links with shorter videos on some of the strategies. Quick Soapbox: Fellow SLPs, this is important stuff. All the AAC in the world won’t matter if people are isolated or lonely. The communication and social skills it takes to develop and maintain meaningful relationships outside of the family is something that we can address in the goals we write and the therapy we provide. We can do something about this.

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