Video of the Week: Write to Talk by Dr. Caroline Musselwhite

September 15, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Write to Talk by Dr. Caroline Musselwhite

As readers of this blog know, we have learned much from the work of Dr. Caroline Musselwhite. Today, we are pleased to share a video series from SET-BC entitled Write to Talk. Recorded in 2005, Dr. Musselwhite’s ideas on how to make the language-literacy connection work for people who use AAC are as relevant today as they were when this video was first posted.  

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Literacy for ALL: A Series of Videos by Dr. Caroline Musselwhite

September 1, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week- Literacy for All

Dr. Caroline Musselwhite addresses the topic of overall good literacy instruction.  She presents information about how to teach students with significant disabilities using fairly common literacy instruction strategies. There are  11 short video posts to help you get started.  She discusses the issues of AAC and suggests strategies that are easy to implement and highly effective.  Keep Calm and Watch On…  

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AAC & AT Supports in Early Intervention

August 25, 2013 by - 2 Comments

AAC & AT Supports in Early Intervention

SLPs have known for a very long time, that investments in early intervention pay off in a big way. But how is AAC factoring into the services that are being provided to young children with significant communication challenges? Today, we’re pleased to feature a video on this topic developed by the University of Toledo’s Partner’s Project. Dr. William McInerny provides a helpful overview.

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School Strategies for Everyone INCLUDES Visual Supports (AAC) for Everyone!

August 4, 2013 by - 2 Comments

School Strategies for Everyone Includes Visual Strategies

Great video for supporting students with autism in inclusive secondary settings.  But, actually, these strategies can work for everyone.  Most of them are just good teaching strategies. Can you count the visual strategies for understanding, for expression, for organization and behavior? Direct link to video:” site=”youtube      

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