Video of the Week: Using Tangible Symbols to Support Communication

July 10, 2019 by - 1 Comment

Video of the Week: Using Tangible Symbols to Support Communication

Some emergent communicators, particularly those with significant vision difficulties, benefit from symbols that they can touch and hold. In today’s featured video, we hear from Elizabeth Torrey, an SLP at the Early Learning Center at the Perkins School for the Blind. Elizabeth helps us better understand some of the ways in which we can use object symbols to represent activities, things, places, people, and other concepts. Many thanks to Elizabeth and to the Perkins School for creating and sharing this helpful information.  You can download the handout for this session here. Want to learn more about communication and object symbols? Here are some past posts that may be of interest. Direct Link to Video –

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Video of the Week: Unconventional Communication 

July 3, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Unconventional Communication 

Today we return to the AAC in the Cloud archives for another enlightening presentation, this time on multimodal communication. In this session, Stephanie Fuller and Saoirse Tilton discuss the varied ways that people communicate and remind us of the importance of considering the full palette of communicative options when interacting with children and adults who have complex communication needs. Many thanks to CoughDrop for hosting this conference and to Stephanie and Saoirse for their insightful session. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video –

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Video of the Week: Activities to Use in AAC Training

June 26, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Activities to Use in AAC Training

If you train people on AAC concepts and strategies and are looking for ways to get participants engaged with the material, this week’s video is not to be missed. SLP Vicki Haddix works as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis, where she shares the knowledge and skills she gained as an AAC SLP in various practice settings with graduate student SLPs. Her presentation at the 2019 AAC in the Cloud Conference, a free event hosted by CoughDrop, provides an overview of research supporting the use of hands-on activities in training sessions and gives detailed information on specific activities that you can embed into your AAC classes, parent trainings, and professional development. Head over to the AAC in the Cloud site to see her presentation and download the handout so that you have links to the videos and other resources that she discusses. Many thanks to Vicki for this... [Read More...]

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Video of the Week: Using Sensory Activities to Build Communication & Literacy with Students who Have Visual & Multiple Disabilities

June 19, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Using Sensory Activities to Build Communication & Literacy with Students who Have Visual & Multiple Disabilities

Teachers and therapists sometimes struggle to find effective ways to support students with multiple disabilities who have visual impairments. In today’s video, Faye Gonzalez, a teacher of the visually impaired, helps us understand ways that we can incorporate sensory activities to help these students further develop their communication, language and literacy skills. Many thanks to Faye and to Perkins for hosting this archived presentation. You can access the handout for this session here. The downloadable blank book template is available here.  Direct Link to Video Page:

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Video of the Week: Mental Health & AAC

June 12, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Mental Health & AAC

In many areas, there has been a greater focus on mental health and well-being. Though we applaud that trend, it’s disappointing that people with significant disabilities and those with complex communication needs are often left out of the discussion. Today’s post is a welcome exception. In this featured video, Dr. Kathy Howery addresses this topic and provides us with strategies that can be used to better support children and adults with AAC needs. Many thanks to Dr. Howery for this fine presentation, to USSAAC for organizing and hosting it, and to ISAAC for their support of this webinar series. You can obtain the handout for this archived session here. Direct Link to Video:

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Video of the Week: Ready, Set, Goal

May 29, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Ready, Set, Goal

Looking to strengthen your approach to goal-writing for individuals with AAC needs? In today’s featured video, SLP Betsy Clifford shares information on this topic and has practical suggestions that may be helpful to you. Many thanks to Betsy and Saltillo for creating this video and making it available to all of us. Direct Links to Videos Part 1: Part 2:

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Video of the Week: Is AAC the Right Choice for Adults with Developmental Disabilities?

May 22, 2019 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week: Is AAC the Right Choice for Adults with Developmental Disabilities?

Many individuals with developmental disabilities and complex communication needs reach adulthood without a functional AAC system. In today’s featured video, SLP Paul Simeone discusses some of the issues around the decision to initiate AAC in adulthood. We are grateful to Paul and the Arc of Massachusetts for addressing this important topic and raising awareness of the needs of such an under-served population. Enjoy!     Direct link to video –

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Video of the Week: The Role of AAC For Learners with Autism

May 15, 2019 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: The Role of AAC For Learners with Autism

How can we help individuals on the autism spectrum who have significant challenges with communication? In today’s featured video, Melissa Subock shares her thoughts on AAC implementation for learners with autism. You can download the handout for this archived presentation here. Thanks to Melissa and the Sharing Treatment and Autism Resources (STAR) Parent Training Program at Kennedy Krieger Institute for making this video available.   Direct Link to Video:

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Video of the Week: Classroom-based AAC

May 8, 2019 by - 2 Comments

Given the limited time that SLPs and students who use AAC have together, it is no surprise that there has been considerable interest in classroom-based approaches to AAC support in recent years. Today, we learn about one such approach, Project Core, from Dr. Lori Geist. While you may be familiar with the Project Core website and its free resources, the implementation piece may be new to you. Many thanks to Dr. Geist, Dr. Kathy Howery, the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium, and the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia for this wonderful presentation. Enjoy! Direct Link to Video:

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