AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 42: October 2018

October 14, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical AAC Week #42

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you may have missed in your busy week. Monday – More Ideas for AAC Awareness Month 2018 Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Supporting AAC Learners at Home Thursday – Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 8 Friday – Building AAC Awareness: Using AAC to Express a Range of Functions :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Is there room for a bit more AAC in your day? If so, take a look at these past posts. Support for Beginning AAC Communicators Narrative Skills in People with ASD Helping People with AAC Needs Develop Personal Narratives Using Animated Shorts in AAC Language Therapy Building Linguistic Competence in AAC Learner: 3 Areas to Consider Targeting :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Looking for some focused information on AAC in the preschool years? We’d love to see you at this full-day workshop at ATIA in Orlando this coming January.... [Read More...]

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Building AAC Awareness: Using AAC to Express a Range of Functions

October 12, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Building AAC Awareness: Using AAC to Express a Range of Functions

Most times, the goal of AAC intervention is to help those with complex communication needs be able to express whatever they want at any time. For some individuals, we over-emphasize the tools and strategies they will need to get the things they want, whether it is social engagement (attention), assistance (help), objects, events, or even being able to protest or reject unwanted situations. Michigan-based SLP Rachael Langley works tirelessly to support technologies and services that give access to the full range to communicative functions. When she offered to share her thoughts on this topic with us, we jumped on the chance. Enjoy! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Four Functions of Language There are many ways to emphasize AAC use and embed aided language into the day. Sometimes we use a core vocabulary approach to teach specific vocabulary. But we can also approach AAC learning by focusing on a specific function or pragmatic use of language.... [Read More...]

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Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 8

October 11, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 8

Our AAC Training Series continues today and we remain extremely appreciative that West Virginia based SLP Tabi Jones-Wohleber allows us to share these presentation materials. Today’s training materials center on a topic that will help AAC interventionists strengthen their relationships with AAC learners and provide important language learning opportunities at the same time. This module, Response NOT Required, is all about interactions that engage our learners and invite them into the conversation. The instructional time for Module 8 is about 20 minutes so this can feasibly be shared in a formal or informal sharing session before or after the school day.   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Model as a MASTER PAL Module 8: Response NOT Required Facilitator Guidelines When I talk about modeling without expectation of a response, I often get quizzical sideways glances.  It is not an intuitive way of interacting, especially in an educational environment where responding is inherent in classroom... [Read More...]

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More Ideas for AAC Awareness Month 2018

October 8, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

More Ideas for AAC Awareness Month 2018

AAC Awareness Month continues! It’s exciting to see how families and professionals around the world are hosting events (see our suggestions here) and doing all sorts of informal activities to build awareness of AAC. In today’s post, we share a variety of materials that can be printed and/or shared. Print and display an AAC Poster. From CoughDrop: Keys to Modeling From Rachael Langley: Subway Art From Lauren Enders: AAC Do/Do Not From Kate Ahern: The Periodic Table of AAC From Noodle Nook: 5 Tips for Communicating with Nonverbal Students From Scope: Speak Up and Be Safe From PrAACtical AAC: More Teaching, Less Testing Share handouts Print, hang, or give someone an AAC awareness image 10 Commandments of AAC Devices Hanen Center: Tips for Parents of Children Who Communicate Without Words Susan Berkowitz: Partner Strategies for Augmentative Communication Scope: AAC Strategies in Healthcare Settings Have fun with AAC memes created by a variety... [Read More...]

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AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 41: October 2018

October 7, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 41: October 2018

Happy Sunday, AAC friends! Here are some posts from the first week of AAC Awareness Month 2018. Take a look. Monday – Celebrating AAC Awareness Month 2018 Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: The SLP’s Role in Cortical Visual Impairment Thursday – Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 7 Friday – PrAACtical Alert: Updated List of AAC App Discounts ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Can you squeeze in another AAC post or two? Here are a few suggestions. Using Structure to Minimize Behavioral Challenges Understanding Functional Communication Training PrAACtical Thoughts on Challenging Behavior and Emotional Regulation Parent-implemented Intervention for Challenging Behavior Ready/Not Ready: 5 Visual Supports for AAC Learners

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PrAACtical Alert: Updated List of AAC App Discounts

October 5, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

In the market for some AAC apps to round out your assessment or intervention toolkit? Take advantage of the deep discounts offered in support of AAC Awareness Month. Take a look.  AssistiveWare     Avaz AAC CommBoards   Cough Drop   LAMP Words for Life   Saltillo     Snap + Core First   Speak for Yourself   Therapy Box   We’ll continue to update this with new information on AAC Awareness discounts over the next few weeks. Do you have suggestions for others to add to our list? We’d love to have your suggestions for #AACaware18. Many thanks to the amazing Lauren Enders for this wonderful graphic with even more AAC discounts!  

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Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 7

October 4, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 7

Welcome back to our AAC partner training series, Model as a MASTER PAL, created by SLP Tabi Jones-Wohleber. Today, we continue with materials to help communication partners interact with AAC learners in a supportive fashion. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Model as a MASTER PAL Module 7: Engage Naturally Facilitator Guidelines This module covers a lot of territory. From the behaviors of communication partners that support the process of language development to creating communication opportunities, to the language we use with a child to talk about their device, to fostering communicative competence, naturalistic engagement is shaped in many ways.  The importance of this conversation lies in the fact that genuine engagement and mutual respect are where learning happens. It is also how meaningful social relationships are built. This module invites participants to reflect on factors that shape the quality of interactions in order to maximize the potential for communicating, learning and creating meaningful social,... [Read More...]

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Celebrating AAC Awareness Month 2018

October 1, 2018 by - 6 Comments

Celebrating AAC Awareness Month 2018

Let the celebrations begin! October is more than pumpkins and Halloween. It’s internationally recognized as AAC Awareness Month and it offers a wonderful opportunity for spreading the word as to how we can support people with complex communication needs. Looking for a few ideas that you can use in celebrating AAC Awareness Month? Here are a few to get you started. Light up your social media feeds with AAC Awareness messages. We’ve got some graphics to help you out. Here are some from previous years. You can also grab our 2018 Facebook banner here. Is Instagram your jam? We’ve got you covered. (Click on the image below to download.) Are you more of a Twitter fan? No worries. We’ve got something for you, too. (Click on the image below to download.) Make plans to attend ATIA 2019 for lots of AAC content. Early Bird conference registration closes on October 5 at 5 p.m.... [Read More...]

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AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 40: September 2018

September 30, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 40: September 2018

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Before we turn to a new page on the calendar, check out these posts from our prAACtical week. Monday – PrAACtically October: AAC Resources for A Year of Core Vocabulary Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: AT and Virtual Reality Thursday –  Building AAC Facilitation Skills with Tabi Jones-Wohleber: MASTER PAL Training, Module 6 Friday – PrAACtical Alert: AAC App Discounts ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Still have time for some more AAC reading? Here are a few suggestions. PrAACtical Teaching in the ASD Classroom: Predictable Chart Writing with Core Vocabulary AAC in the Classroom: Presentations You May Have Missed The Crust of AAC Every Second Counts with Lindy McDaniel Boosting AAC Implementation in the Classroom: 6 Things to Try

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PrAACtical Alert: AAC App Discounts

September 28, 2018 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtical Alert: AAC App Discounts

AAC Awareness Month is just around the corner! October is a great month for picking up AAC apps since many app developers offer deep discounts. Here are some of them. AssistiveWare   CommBoards   Cough Drop   LAMP Words for Life   Saltillo     Speak for Yourself   We’ll update this with new information on AAC Awareness discounts over the next few weeks. Do you have suggestions for others to add to our list? We’d love to have your suggestions. Edited: Thanks to the amazing Lauren Enders for this wonderful graphic with even more AAC discounts!  

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