Video of the Week: Aided Language Input with Gail Van Tatenhove

When you have a chance to peek into a therapy session by a master clinician, take it! In today’s featured video, Gail Van Tatenhove shares a clip where she demonstrates use of a pivotal intervention strategy, aided language input, as they discuss a book. Among many other things, Gail is author of one of our favorite therapy tools, The Pixon Project Kit. Enjoy!
Direct link to video:
Filed under: Video of the Week
Tagged With: aided language input, feedback
This post was written by Carole Zangari
Hello! I am having trouble getting the video to work- when I click on the link it tells me that it is restricted.
Hi Kayla-it seemed to work fine from Chrome and Firefox just now. Could the restriction by a filter from your webhosting site or employer (if you are accessing it at work)? Sorry that you are having trouble with it. 🙁
I was able to watch it once I got home! Thanks 🙂
Excellent! Thanks for taking the time to let me know, Kayla! Hope you enjoyed the video. I always like seeing other clinicians in action. 🙂
I followed the link for the Pixon Project information and looked it over very briefly, but I was curious about how this curriculum would relate to those students unable to use manual boards based on their access. At the school where I work we have a lot of young pre-schoolers we are trying to give early exposure to more core vocabulary, but a lot of them will not necessarily be direct selectors so at the same time are beginning to learn switch skills. Is this still an applicable program? Should we own it to use as guidance to support our core language development efforts?
Dana, I think it would be very applicable, but you’d need to adjust the AAC materials to fit with whatever alternative access they are learning to use. For example, head-mounted light pointer on a large manual communication board, partner-assisted scanning, or eye gaze. There is a lot of great information and resources in the Pixon Kit. I’ve purchased a few of them to use and share. 🙂
Ok great thanks – I’ll look into it a little further. Thanks.