Leading the Leaders: The Role of Administrators in the AT Process

Schools are out for the summer in our area, but that doesn’t mean the work or planning stops. In fact, summer is the time when we catch up on projects, learn new things, make materials, and plan for the fall. One of my goals is to do some thinking and planning about how to help some of our preschool AAC kids make a good transition to inclusive environments in the fall.
One of our little AAC friends will be starting kindergarten in a few months, and the excitement is infectious. Support for the SLP and the teachers, both new to AAC, is high on the priority list. Something I hadn’t thought about until a recent team meeting, though, was the role of the administrator, particularly the principal. We’re big believers in the notion that the school culture is built by the principal, so it stands to reason that if we have a one who knows about and values AT, everything else becomes easier.
My search for information on AAC and AT designed for principals led me to this video by Penny Reed. As usual, Penny shares solid information about what information to share and how to share it.
Filed under: Video of the Week
This post was written by Carole Zangari