AAC Video of the Week: Getting to Know You

There has been a wonderful shift over the last few years highlighting an important foundational concept in supporting people who use AAC: Communication serves to connect us. Although in writing goals and planning therapy/instruction, we focus on component skills like communicating for a range of different purposes and expanding vocabulary, we can never lose sight of the role that AAC can play in helping build connections between people. In today’s featured video, Heather Prenovost and Brittany Toney remind us of that as discuss ways to support AAC learning in informal conversations designed for people to get to know each other.
You can download their interactive background slide with clickable links here. Here are links to other resources mentioned in the recording: Manual Communication Board, Organization Tool, Reference Sheet
Many thanks to Heather, Brittany, and PRC Saltillo for creating and sharing this helpful video.
Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-VBMcXAp3g&ab_channel=Saltillo
Filed under: Video of the Week
This post was written by Carole Zangari