Enough with the Big Buts

Buts, buts, buts. Everywhere we turn these days, there are buts. – – Buts about kids “AAC is fine for some kids… …but my student is too ‘low functioning'” …but my client doesn’t have the motor skills” …but the kids I work with aren’t interested” …but I don’t want to give up on speech” …but my children are too young” – –Buts about adults “AAC is great for some situations… …but the parent/teacher won’t use it at home/in the classroom” …but I didn’t learn that when I was in grad school” …but my principal doesn’t support it” …but our practice uses an oral motor approach” – Buts about resources “AAC is a great idea… …but we don’t have that kind of funding” …but I’m too busy to make all that stuff” …but we’re lucky to get a laminator” …but I’m spread too thin as it is” …-. Enough with... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking