December 9, 2017
by Carole Zangari -
I’m honored to have AAC pioneer Dr. Sarah Blackstone join us today for a guest post that highlights the work that is being done by the US chapter of the International AAC Society (ISAAC). The US chapter, known as USSAAC, has a long-standing commitment to supporting the AAC community in times of national disaster. Dr. Blackstone is both a past president of ISAAC and a founding member of USSAAC. She has authored many AAC-related texts and articles and is a partner emerita of the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Communication Enhancement. She has served the AAC community with distinction, having been granted honors and awards by ASHA, ISAAC, USSAAC, and other organizations. Dr. Blackstone previously practiced at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, and in a private practice that serving children with AAC needs. Currently, Dr. Blackstone is on USSAAC’s Board of Directors. She and Harvey Pressman co-chair USSAAC’s AAC Disaster... [Read More...]
Filed under: Featured Posts, PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: disaster, Emergency, USSAAC
September 22, 2017
by Carole Zangari -
As we all know, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria left many people without basic services, and people who use AAC are among the most vulnerable. Please review this important information about efforts underway to address their no tech, low tech, and high tech AAC needs. You can help by donating time, expertise, AAC-related equipment that is in good working order, and/or funds to purchase replacements. If you are considering a donation of used AAC-related equipment, please see this important information from the Pass It On Center. Another way you can help is by spreading the word about these sites and helping us reach people in need. Individuals in the US, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands are able to apply for assistance. Please help however you can. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: People with severe disabilities who are unable to speak are among the hardest hit by disasters like Hurricane Harvey and more recently, Hurricanes Irma and Maria. They get separated from their helpers, lose access to their speech generating devices and their low-tech tools,... [Read More...]
Filed under: Featured Posts, PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: disaster, emergency preparedness, hurricane