10 Premises for Teaching Requests to Beginning Communicators

Requesting is a communication skill that is often a fun goal to target because the end result should be ‘giving’ the learner what they want. Here are some underlying premises when teaching requests: The learner LOVES or places IMPORTANCE on what they are requesting The facilitator may need to LOOK for & ACCEPT what the learner prefers MOTIVATION and INTEREST can be TAUGHT with frequent and varied practice in predictable routines Communication temptations give requesting more CLARITY for the learner Learners can request WITHOUT being asked a question (in fact, it helps with spontaneity) Requests can be facilitated through CHOICE MAKING Requests and choices GO WAY BEYOND food & objects The facilitator can MODEL requesting and choice making and then give the learner a turn There can be monthly, daily, hourly, minute, or even second CHANGES in preferences, motivations, and interests Frequent OPPORTUNITIES for requests and choices are the key... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: beginning communicators, choice making, communication temptations, requests