July 8, 2013
by Robin Parker -
Make a Plan – Schedule a time to ‘talk about the past event (July 4th). The plan can include a ‘talk time’ or a time to collect remnants, photos, or related items from the event. Use a calendar or schedule to plan AAC style. Put Together A ‘Talking’ Photo Album– Gather all the photos from the activity and put together a talking photo album. You can use any talking photo album where you record a voice or use a story creation app that has recorded (digitized) or computer generated speech (synthesized). The process of making the photo album can be the ‘past event’ conversation and/or a review/reading can be the ‘conversation’. For some learners, turning the pages is the beginning of talking about past events while for other learners the pictures will be the opportunity for the conversation. It is helpful to use text and speech as you create the... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: calendars, Conversation, July 4th, past events, schedules
May 16, 2013
by Robin Parker -
It’s PrAACtically Memorial Day! Memorial Day is prAACtically here. We remember, appreciate, and honor the people who have protected our freedoms. Getting ready so EVERYONE can participate is important. We wrote about memorial day last year and had found some good gluten-casein free Memorial Day recipes. There are even more resources today. Check out Gluten Free Memorial Day Weekend Menu and Recipe Ideas or Gluten Free Casein Free Applesauce Muffins. Cooking and baking provide meaningful language experiences as well as just plain fun. There are symbol based recipes on Pinterest at Picture Recipes and Visual Recipes for Children with Autism, and at Specialty Chef. There are also prAACtical AAC ways to teach about Memorial Day’s meaning as well as the typical memorial day vacations, activities, and events. Learning about Memorial Day Memorial Day Activity Board Memorial Day Vocabulary Cards Memorial Day Bingo Memorial Day Adapted Bingo Summer Pack Memorial Day After learning about Memorial... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: calendars, meaningful language experiences, Memorial Day, resources, schedules, social stories, talking photo albums
July 20, 2012
by Robin Parker -
We need to continue to talk about scheduling…..especially as we talk about tools for positive behavioral supports. We know that having monthly, daily, and mini-schedules make us ALL feel more competent and calm. We have written a lot about visual schedules and visual schedule resources because we have seen schedules reduce or eliminate so many behavior challenges. They have helped with transitions, wandering away during activities, activity completion, asking repetitive ‘‘when are we going ________ questions, and with meltdowns during a less preferred activity. We also continue to write about schedules because there are still myths suggesting schedules might hinder independence when exactly the opposite is true. We personally continue to use a combination of no-tech to high-tech visual schedules, but we are loving mobile schedules especially during the summer when we are traveling and moving around from place to place even more frequently than usual. We gathered together... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Apps, behavior management, calendars, daily schedules, mini schedules, schedules, visual schedules
February 7, 2012
by Robin Parker -
Not only is a Speech Only Approach not good enough, but a Listening Approach is also not good enough… Because even though a young man I know can follow simple directions with contextual cues and his educators ‘feel’ he does not need any additional support, it does not help the young man when he should be doing the task independently. . Because even though a bakery employee I know is usally fine (just a little nervous??) when his job coach explains changes in other employees attendance at work, he sometimes gets so upset he has to leave his job… Because a little girl asks every day (many, many times) to go to Disney World even though her parents and teachers have told her they always go over the summer. And because she now has a formal behavior plan to help her stop perseverating on questions, and becasue this means she... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: calendars, mini schedule, Social Story, visual supports