A Year of AAC Core Vocabulary, Unity Style

One of the things we most appreciate about the AAC community is the generosity of spirit and sense of collaboration. When we first posted our Year of AAC Core Vocabulary, Gail Van Tatenhove, Russell Cross, and others in the Minspeak community generously shared it with professionals and families. More importantly, they adapted it with Minspeak symbols so that the resource could be more useful to people learning to communicate with that symbol system. We’re excited to be able to share the Year Of AAC Core adapted by Russell Cross. There are two versions: one for people learning 84-location Unity programs and another for people working with the 144-location version. There is one set of cards for each month with about 12 core words each so that professionals can provide extra practice of a selected set of core words. Many, many thanks to Gail and Russell for adapting our work and... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Calendar, core language, core vocabulary, download, Gail Van Tatenhove, resources, Russell Cross, semantics, vocabulary, year