Teach Me Tuesday: Alexicom AAC
Teach Me Tuesday is a new feature that offers prAACtical resources for our colleagues who are looking to learn more about SGDs and AAC apps. Each week, we’ll share training resources that we’ve found to be helpful for those of us teaching ourselves how to use these things. There is no rhyme or reason to which ones we share each week, and endorsement should not be implied. As always, it’s up to each SLP and team to make recommendations based on their assessment data and other relevant factors. If you have devices or apps that you need to know more about, feel free to contact us and we will put that on our list. If you are an author, vendor, or developer who wants to share materials with us, we certainly welcome and appreciate that, but they must come with no strings attached. The product may or may not get... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Alexicom, Teach Me Tuesday, tutorial