Fresh Look: Top 5 Switches for People with ALS by Amy Roman

We continue our celebration of Better Hearing and Speech Month (#BHSM) with our Fresh Look series. In this post, we are delighted to share the insights of SLP Amy Roman, whose expertise in AAC supports for people with ALS is well-known. During the past 13 years, Amy has been a member of the multidisciplinary care team at San Francisco’s Forbes Norris ALS Research and Treatment Center. The AAC Program she developed at the Norris Center was awarded Program of the Year by the California Speech and Hearing Association in 2010. Through her private practice, she also provides AAC direct services and phone/skype consultations to individuals, caregivers and therapists. In addition, Amy is the Director of the Golden West ALS Association’s AAC Lending Library. She is also the author of AlphaCore© communication software available on DynaVox speech generating devices. Amy has presents workshops and at conferences on clinical and research topics in AAC.... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: access, alerting system, ALS, Amy Roman, BHSM, call chime, Fresh Look, laser pointer, pALS, switch, switches