January 21, 2019
by Carole Zangari -
This is an updated version of a post originally authored by Dr. Robin Parker in 2013. We hope you find something of value in the resources that were shared. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: To integrate reading and writing into communication and language learning we need to have lots of books that are easily accessible. Books should be accessible physically as well as through content and interest. This holds true for ALL learners even those that don’t like books but do like…… wheels. We have made literacy accessible for a young girl who only liked elevators, and a boy who only liked balls, and a young adult who liked Barney books but not much else. It holds true for ALL disabilities and ALL levels of reading and writing. Today, we share resources for making and using adapted books to make literacy more accessible. Check out these awesome resources for making your own adapted books... [Read More...]
Filed under: Featured Posts, PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: accessible materials, adapted books, robin parker
July 15, 2013
by Carole Zangari -
We’re not big fans of worksheets. In fact (true confession!), many years ago we actually hid a notebook full of them from a colleague who seemed to think they should play a prominent role in aphasia therapy. However, we concede that they are sometimes useful in limited quantities (‘sometimes’ being the operative word). More importantly, if teachers use them, we want our kids to be able to participate. Those who have difficulty with fine motor skills need alternate ways to manage worksheets so that they can be as independent as possible. Summer seems like a good time to learn a few new things that will come in handy once school resumes. If you’re looking for ways to make worksheets accessible on a shoestring, check out these resources. This presentation from Lynda Hartmann gives a good overview of accessible worksheets and provides information on a number of tools that you can use.... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: accessibility, accessible materials, literacy, PDF, worksheets, writing
June 18, 2013
by Robin Parker -
Summer is a great time for learning. Here are some awesome free webinars to check out. Accessible Instructional Materials from the National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials AbleNet Webinars: http://www.ablenetinc.com/emails/Newsletters_2013/AN-Univ-June2013.html
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: accessible materials, AIM, professional development, webinar