Core Vocabulary: Making Sense of Symbols

Take a look at these pictures and try to guess their meanings. Now do it again with these symbols. One more time with the symbols below. We’re not gamblers by nature, but if we had to bet we’d say that you had a pretty easy time guessing the first two rows (backpack, banana, bathroom; sleep, wash, eat) and struggled with the last row (know, she, was/were). That presents a bit of a problem, actually, because it’s that last hard-to-guess row that contains important core vocabulary. And these kinds of core words are the ones we need to use frequently during the day. Looks like we have a bit of a dilemma: The symbols that are least transparent are important ones to teach. We often hear SLPs say that they want concrete symbols for some of their clients with AAC needs. We can certainly make that happen for some... [Read More...]
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: abstract, core language, core vocabulary, semantics, symbols