Literacy for Everyone with Adapted Books

September 28, 2013 by - 9 Comments

Literacy for Everyone with Adapted Books
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To integrate reading and writing into communication & language learning we need to have lots of books that are easily accessible. Books should  be accessible physically as well as through content and interest. This holds true for ALL learners even those that don’t like books but do like…… wheels.  We have made literacy  accessible for a young girl who only liked elevators, and a boy who only liked balls, and a young adult who liked Barney books but not much else.  It holds true for ALL disabilities, and ALL levels of reading and writing.

For our final September Literacy Strategy of the Month, we wanted to share the abundance of resources for making adapted books. Because when we have great adapted books, literacy is more accessible. Check out these awesome resources for making your own adapted books and for printing out already created adapted books and lessons.  We love early literacy adapted books as much as we love adapted chapter books. We have found time and time again, that adapted books are the foundation of opening up a world of literacy for ALL of our learners. Enjoy and feel free to share any other resources you use.

Handout on Adapting Books by Pam Harris– explicit instruction for preparing adapted books

5 Ways to Make Page Fluffers & Spacers– Accessibility for turning pages

Verbs, Verbs, Verbs (Printable Adapted Books Collection) by Ruth Morgan at Chapel Hill Snippets– Wonderful collection of adapted books

Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities- Adapted Literature  – Resource for adapted chapter books, lessons, and more

New York City Department of Education: Adapted Books – Great collection of adapted books

Baltimore City Schools- Book Specific Communication Boards– Communication boards to go with adapted books

Dade County Public Schools ESE- Interactive Storybooks– Awesome collection of adapted books

Tar Heel Reader– Adapted books searchable by a wide range of topics and also a resource for writing books. Just read the books first as these adapted books are for ALL ages

SETT BC- Accessible Books– Great collection of adapted books

SLP Corner- Adapted Books by Peg Hutsonp Nechkash at Pedia Staff– Thoughts and resources on adapted books

Adapted Books- Autism Helper– Collection of adapted books and lessons

Accessible & Adapted Books- LiveBinders– Resources on adapted books and writing

Adapted Books Room Eighty Three on Pinterest– Nice curated resources for adapted books

Adapted Books and Related Materials by Special Education Service Agency– Resource for adapted books and related materials

Adaptive Book Fun– Thoughts on adapted books




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This post was written by Robin Parker


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