There’s lots of Apps for That!

As the saying goes, there is an app for ‘that’. There are now a lot of apps, and a lot of apps for choice making and requesting. Here are a few just a few of the many, many options:
Preference Assessment App
Preference & Reinforcer Assessment- Autism & Special Education
Requesting & Choice Making
AAC Apps (fully customizable and can easily make folders of choice boards, but also do a lot more)
Go Talk Now Free & Go Talk Now
So Much 2 Say- Picture Communication
*All of the AAC apps can inherently be used for requesting and choice making. Check out Jane Farrall’s AAC Apps for a comprehensive list and our post listing 119 free and light versions of AAC apps and for more options check out the AAC Appy Store.
Apps for Creating No Tech Communication and Choice Boards
Picture Card Maker- for Communication & More (can be printed or used on iOS device)
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Apps, choice making, requesting
This post was written by Robin Parker