PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary Activities

February 9, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

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Looking for ways to build fluency with core vocabulary as you prepare for Valentine’s Day festivities? Here are a few suggestions.

Making Cards: Get your crafting on and make some cards, like these from Christine Dunbar.

  • Core word practice: pronouns (I, you, it, they); verbs (do, make, get, help, like); descriptors (pink, little, some), prepositions (on), determiners (this, that, these, those); interrogatives (what, where)

PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary Activities

Deliver the Cards: Have some fun being a mail carrier, delivering Valentine cards, and interacting with all the recipients. We love this mini schedule by the Considerate Classroom

  • Core word practice: pronouns (I, you, it, we); action verbs (go, give, get, see, take); locatives (here, there); social words (hi, thank you); determiners (this, these); interrogatives (who, where)

PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary Activities

Play Valentine Bingo: Thanks, Katie Millican and Jessica Maldonado!

  • Core word practice: pronouns (me, my, he, she); verbs (can, have, need, get, want, play); descriptors (big, round, red); interrogatives (where, why); determiners (this, that)

PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary Activities

Get Cooking! Whip up a special treat, like these Valentine pancakes by Kathy Fenton or Carrie-Anne Irby’s Heart-shaped Cinnamon Toast.

  • Core word practice: pronouns (I, me, you, it); action verbs (eat, can, do, make, get, help, put in); modifiers (more, little, some); interrogatives (what, how much); determiners (this, that)

PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary ActivitiesPrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary Activities

Read a Story: There are tons of books about Valentine’s Day themes of love and kindness. Here are a few book suggestions (with craft ideas).

  • Core word practice: pronouns (he, she, it, they); verbs (read, do); descriptors (fast, slow, some, more); interrogatives (where, what, who); determiners (this, that)PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary Activities

Valentine’s Emoji’s: If your learners like cutting and pasting, try this age-respectful idea: make emoji’s like these from Housing a Forest

  • Core word practice: pronouns (I, you, it, they); action verbs (do, make, get, help); mental verbs (know, think), descriptors (big, little, funny, mad, yellow), nouns (body parts); interrogatives (what, where); determiners (this, that, these, those)

Looking for more activities and/or materials? Check out these ideas from the LessonPix exchange pages.


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This post was written by Carole Zangari

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