National Quilting Day & Employment

March 3, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

National QUilting Day & Employment
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Did you know that March 17, 2012 was National Quilting Day?  We didn’t know either until we found out about a great business called Keepsake Quilts.  Keepsake Quilts takes your old tee-shirts, those tee-shirts that may have been around for years and are more about the memories then the article of clothing and sews them into a beautiful quilt.  And if that isn’t enough to make you love them, it gets even better. This is a nonprofit business with a social mission. The  mission is to promote an environment that supports and enhances work skills, interpersonal communication and self-esteem among people who are deaf or hard of hearing.  ALl of the employees are deaf or hard of hearing they donate profits to deaf initiatives and deaf youth programs.  As we read about the employees, it was interesting to note that a favorite reason for working at Keepsake was that there was no communication barrier since everyone used American Sign Language.  We love when communication and language are priorities.

As we start our Spring cleaning, we will gather our tee-shirts and start celebrating National Quilting Day by supporting a business that has a social mission that we believe in.  We hope you have great National Quilting Day!



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This post was written by Robin Parker

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