Let’s Get PrAACtical

It feels awfully strange being a newbie again. We’re certainly not new to AAC. And we’re not new to talking about it either, having worked with families, graduate students, and other professionals for more than two decades. But, somehow, this whole blogging thing and sharing our thoughts with the wider world in this way seems a bit daunting. Even in our second month, it gives us pause. Nevertheless, it’s time.
Time to put our ideas about making AAC work out there.
Time to add to the conversation about new tools and technologies.
Time to stop repeating the same sorts of things over and over to new crops of graduate students, SLPs, teachers, and families and put it all down in writing.
As Dr. David Beukelman once said in an editorial for the AAC journal, “the weakest ink is better than the strongest memory.” When he wrote that in 1995, Dr. Beukelman almost certainly wasn’t thinking of the virtual ink that is the stuff of the internet, but, of course, the same concept applies.

And, so, we begin this new venture, PrAACtical AAC. A virtual space where we can muse aloud about the state of the field, share information about implementing AAC strategies, provide resources, and share news of interest to the AAC community. We’ll do our best to blog a few times a week. Look for features like Strategy of the Month, Magic Moments, 5 Great Things, Video of the Week, and more. Hope you stop back once in awhile to see what we’re up to. Or, better yet, sign up to follow us by email, RSS, or twitter. Let’s get PrAACtical.
It’s time.
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: blogs
This post was written by Carole Zangari