Getting the Scoop on AAC

May 30, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Getting the Scoop on AAC
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ScoopItWhen I first heard about curation being the next big thing on the internet, I had a hard time seeing how I would have time to get involved. Less than a year later, I can’t conceive of being on the internet without my curation tools. Every day, something comes up that I want to store on a curation site. And it’s almost every day that I send someone to those places for a specific tool, video, article, etc.

In addition to Pinterest, which we blogged about earlier, we are frequent users of Scoop.It and LiveBinders. Each one has its unique properties and so, they are each useful for different things.

Scoop.It is a pictorial magazine where you can collect and share websites related to topics of interest. Unlike Pinterest, with Scoop.It, you can add things that do not have a sizable image. Anyone can view Scoop.Its, but if you register for a free account you can create your own collection, and, most importantly, follow others. Once you follow a certain topic, you can provide suggestions to the curators for things they may want to add. For a quick video on what Scoop.It has to offer, click here.

In this post, we’ve listed a number of Scoop.It collections on AAC-related topics. The ones marked with asterisks are those that we curate.
AAC Access ScoopIt

  1. AAC **
  2. AAC Access: Tools and Strategies **
  3. AAC and Language Intervention **
  4. AAC Apps **
  5. AAC Under 3 **
  6. Accessibility and Inclusion Technologies
  7. Aided Language Input **
  8. ALS
  9. ALS Awareness & Parkinsons
  10. Assistive Technology and Educational Apps
  11. Assistive Technology for All
  12. AT-Work
  13. Autism
  14. Beginning Communicators **
  15. Beyond Special Education
  16. Cerebral Palsy
  17. Communication and Autism **
  18. Communication Opportunities **
  19. Developmental Disabilities
  20. iPads in Special Education
  21. Leveling the Playing Field with iPads
  22. Partner Assisted Scanning and PODD **
  23. SETT Framework **
  24. Single Message Voice Output Tech **
  25. Speech Language Pathology
  26. Switch Access for the iPad **
  27. Technology and Inclusion in K12 Education
  28. Technology and Special Needs
  29. Technology in Special Education
  30. UDL-Universal Design for Learning

Hope you enjoy the AAC-related material here. Please send us suggestions for things you would like us to add to our collections and also that you share your own Scoop.Its with the AAC community. Happy exploring!

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This post was written by Carole Zangari

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