People are Similar Even if They Speak Different Languages

We just had a conversation (one of many) about teaching someone how to USE an AAC device. A colleague who is learning about AAC brought up the idea that teaching AAC was like teaching someone a different language. Thinking about that made us realize it was also like learning another language for both the communicator and the communication partner. In fact was not ‘like’ learning another language, it really WAS another language. It may be another form of English (for us, Spanish for others, Mandarin for others still) but for our students/clients, learning an AAC system is just like trying to learn a new language without ever going to the country that the language is spoken and very rarely hearing other people speak this new language. People may also have trouble understanding this new language. There are few opportunities for an AAC user to be fully immersed in AAC systems as a language. So it was a great coincidence when we came upon this concept illustrated so well in this video titled Different Languages:
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: language
This post was written by Robin Parker