Communication Circles: With A Little Help From My Friends

On-line education has been a huge part of our professional development. With shrinking travel budgets and various time constraints, we love to make use of a variety of on-line learning formats. We recently were lucky enough to come across myInfinitec. Infinitec stands for infinite potential through technology. Infinitec’s goal is to advance independence and promote inclusive opportunities for children and adults through technology. Through myinfinitec, We found a free webinar that we just had to attend. That webinar was: Communication Circles: With A Little Help From My Friends by Dr. Caroline Musselwhite. A huge thanks to Jennifer T. Skalitzky from myinfinitec for facilitating the webinar and the information in this post.
Dr. Musselwhite has generously taken the time and effort to summarize the key features of Communication Circles and to make the handouts available. So if you have interest in helping AAC users to communicate naturally, in a variety of settings, and with friends, you must not miss checking out AAC Girls, which is Dr. Musselwhite’s blog. AAC Girls, is where all of the materials and supporting information and resources are available. Also, be sure to check out AAC Intervention for AAC Tips of the Month, What’s Hot, App Information, AAC Resources, and much, much more.
Myinfinitec offers on-going professional development through webinars. Topics for April include: Free & Fabulous Apps and Cloud Technology by Mo Buti, Apps for Self Regulation and Emotional Well Being by Therese Willkom, Follow Up Webinar for Using Core Vocabulary by Gail Vantatenhove, as well as many more. Check out the Infinitec calendar to see a monthly listing of topics and to be able to register.
Enjoy and let Dr. Musselwhite know how much you appreciate her resources.
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Communication Circles
This post was written by Robin Parker