5 Free AAC Learning Resources

Learn with the Experts Anytime and Any Place
- Ablenet Professional Development– Ablenet provides free live and recorded webinars by experts in various areas of AAC. The topics range from helping add assistive technology (AT) into IEP’s, to Apps & AAC, to literacy, and much much more.
- Special Education Technology British Columbia Learning Centre– A variety of recorded webinars on a wide range of AAC topics.
- The RERC on Communication Enhancement– A variety of recorded webinars about a variety of AAC topics.
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Webinar- Autism Speaks– This webinar was recorded in 2012 but focuses on AAC & Autism.
- Working Without Words: AAC & Technology in the Workplace by Florida Center for Inclusive Communities– Provides an overview of AAC and its applicability in the workforce. Strategies for supporting AAC users and people using AAC in the workplace will be highlighted. Florida Center for Inclusive Communities also offers a variety of other webinars.
Filed under: PrAACtical Thinking
Tagged With: Learning, webinars
This post was written by Robin Parker