25 Under 5: AAC Apps

June 18, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

25 AAC Apps Under $5.00
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AAC Apps 25 Under $5.00

We are now up to 72 Free or Lite version of AAC apps.  There is another emerging price point category of apps that are not quite free but fairly close.  We were so happy to find 25 apps under $5.oo.  These are all regular versions. All the same teaching and preparation is needed when choosing AAC apps, no shortcuts here, but deciding if you need an app for ‘small talk’ or telling stories or labeling may help make it easier to decide which AAC apps to try.  The RelAAAC rubric may help with these decisions after a feature match process is done.  After selecting the AAC app, then comes the fun part. You can be creative by setting up fun opportunities to communicate.

Communication TemptationsCommunication temptations can be set up for  requesting (putting favorite toys in a closed screw top jar) and  commenting (wearing really big fun hats/glasses). And don’t forget the language facilitation strategies.  Learning to use aided language input (ALI), recasting, and communication based feedback will give all AAC users an optimal opportunity for learning spontaneouscommunication and language.

Check out these resources for more AAC App background information and teaching strategies:

25 Under $5.00

  1. Attainment Switch
  2. Broca’s Voice 
  3. Click N’ talk 
  4. Easy Speak
  5. iGreet You 
  6. iPhonic
  7. Fat Cat Chat Repair
  8. Fat Cat Snappy Chat
  9. IClick I talk Compact 
  10. IMean text with word prediction
  11. iSpeak Button 
  12. My Own Voice 
  13. Picture Talk
  14. See and Say
  15. Speak it
  16. Speech Aid
  17. Speech Buttons
  18. Talk n’ Photos
  19. Talking Picture Board
  20. Tapikeo
  21. That’s How I Feel
  22. Touch Talking
  23. Type2Speak
  24. Yes No 
  25. Yes No Your Way
* based on us iTunes prices at time of writing
**This list isn’t intended in any way to endorse these apps or suggest that any one of these is sufficient for a comprehensive AAC system. We recommend using the resources above and in previous posts for decision making. We always keep in mind that we all use a variety of communication systems in our daily interactions.

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This post was written by Robin Parker

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