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AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 10: March 2025
Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have a bunch of posts that you might enjoy. Monday – March Year of Core... [Read More...]
Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have a bunch of posts that you might enjoy. Monday – March Year of Core... [Read More...]
How can we support children who are learning to communicate through AAC and help them build a robust repertoire of... [Read More...]
Since October is AAC Awareness Month, we thought it would be the perfect time to feature videos from AAC users.... [Read More...]
Happy Tuesday, AAC friends! Once a week we invite you to share your own AAC-related content, product news, or anything... [Read More...]
Are you looking for ways to support AAC Awareness Month on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter? If you’re on a mission... [Read More...]
Happy AAC Awareness Month, prAACtical friends! We have some posts that may be of interest. Monday – October Year of... [Read More...]
October is AAC Awareness Month, and sharing resources for AAC learning in Spanish is a wonderful way to kick things... [Read More...]
Tonight we’ll be turning the page on the calendar and preparing to celebrate AAC Awareness Month! For the past decade,... [Read More...]
If you’ve been involved with AAC and AT for a while, chances are you’ve done your fair share of DIY... [Read More...]
Happy Tuesday, AAC friends! Once a week we invite you to share your own AAC-related content, product news, or anything... [Read More...]
Our two series of monthly resources for core vocabulary teaching, Year of Core Vocabulary Words and School Year of Core... [Read More...]
Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you may have missed in your busy week. Monday – AAC-friendly Library... [Read More...]