95 Search Results for atia

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #7: February, 2018

February 11, 2018 by - 1 Comment

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #7: February, 2018

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. It’s prAACtically Valentine’s Day and a perfect time to show some AAC love where you work, live, or play. While you’re  at it, check out our posts from this week. Monday – PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: 5 Activity Ideas for AAC Learning Wednesday – Video of the Week: Supporting Leadership Development in People Who Use AAC Thursday –  Resources to Review from the #ATIA2018 Conference Ready for more to explore? Here are a few past posts for you to peruse. PrAACtically Valentine’s Day: Core Vocabulary Activities 14 Valentine’s Day Activities: Love, Literacy, & Learning 4 Things to Consider When Embracing a “New Normal” Using Structure to Support Participation Core Vocabulary: Making Sense of Symbols

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #6: February, 2018

February 4, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #6: February, 2018

Busy week? Same here! We’ll fill you in on the AAC goodness from the ATIA 2018 Conference later in the week. In the meantime, here are a handful of posts you might have missed. Monday: PrAACtically February – AAC Resources for a Year of Core Words Wednesday: Video of the Week – Reading with AAC Across the Stages of Language Development ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: And if you’d like to keep browsing, check out these past posts on access issues in AAC. AAC Access for Individuals with Significant Motor Limitations Through Partner Assisted Scanning Make It PrAACtical: DIY Switch-accessible Scanner Assessing Barriers to Access for AAC Learners More on Assessing Barriers to Access for AAC Learners Seating and Positioning for AT Access AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: The Eyes Have It-Assessment Considerations for High Tech Eye Gaze Access 

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #5: January, 2018

January 28, 2018 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week #5: January, 2018

We’re just about ready to turn the calendar page to a new month, but before we do, take a look at some posts from our prAACtical week. Monday –  PrAACtically Printing: AAC Apps & SGDs Wednesday – Video of the Week: Teaching Peers to Interact with Young Children Who Use AAC Thursday –  PrAACtical Resources: Building Our Skills in Interactive Book Reading ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: And while we’re packing up for the 2018 ATIA Conference in Orlando, here are some posts with handouts and such from previous years for you to browse through. 5 AAC-related Handouts from ATIA 2015 Fun Finds at ATIA 2015 3 AAC Presentation Handouts You May Have Missed PrAACtical Fun A PrAACtical Idea for Aided Language Input If you’re headed to Orlando for the 2018 ATIA Conference, I hope to see you there. Come say hello! Tuesday 4:30 – Strand Advisor Meet and Greet at the Cabana Area between Towers 2... [Read More...]

AAC Awareness Month, Week 3: Look, Listen, & Learn

October 16, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Awareness Month, Week 3: Look, Listen, & Learn

It’s not too late to celebrate the contributions of AAC or help build awareness of the field. In fact, we’re just getting started! If you are just joining this party, you might want to take a look at the resources in these posts. Week 1: Hands-on Activities Week 2: AAC Printables & Downloads In this third week, we’re turning inward and sharing ideas for how we can each grow our own skills for supporting people with AAC needs. Register for AAC-Everyone has a Voice! From Disability Rights NJ and ATAC Follow the USSAAC Webinar Series. On October 23rd at 7:00 p.m. ET Dr. Yoosun Chung will moderate a panel on Celebrating AAC Awareness Month. Podcasts are a great way to squeeze in some professional development, so consider listening to some AAC-related content while you exercise, drive, or just enjoy a cup of tea. Listen Up! AAC-related Podcasts  Learn by Listening... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 4: January 2017

January 22, 2017 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 4: January 2017

It was an action-packed week at the ATIA Conference, filled with AAC learning, new products,  and connecting with colleagues. Here are a handful of posts that you may have missed in your busy week. Monday: Core Values: Suggestions for Language Building with AAC Learners Wednesday:  Video of the Week: Supporting Preschoolers with AAC Needs-A Case Study Thursday: PrAACtical Resources: Developing Touchscreen, Switch and Eye Gaze Skills

Catching Up with National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities

January 12, 2017 by - 3 Comments

Catching Up with National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities

The NJC has been one of my go-to resources for many years, so I was delighted when Amy Goldman agreed to write an update on recent activities. Amy is one of my AAC heroes but you may know her best from her long career of advocacy with AAC and AT through professional organizations (e.g., ASHA, USSAAC, ATIA, PSHA, ATAP). Amy is now one of three technical assistance specialists with the national Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training Center (AT3). She recently retired from her position as Co-Executive Director of the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, PA’s University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities where she directed local, state, and federal projects related to assistive technology.  She is honored to represent ASHA on the National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities (NJC).  She and I co-chair the ATIA strand on AAC and hope to see many... [Read More...]

Make It Monday: More Words, Please! Expanding Our Manual Communication Boards

July 18, 2016 by - 2 Comments

Make It Monday: More Words, Please! Expanding Our Manual Communication Boards

It’s another Make It Monday, our series on preparing core vocabulary materials for use with AAC learners. When we left off last week, we selected or created manual communication boards (MCBs) with a starter set of core words. Today, we pick up that thread by adding more words. If you are working with teams that are new to AAC implementation, have a difficult time with change, or are showing resistance to this “whole AAC thing,” you might want to start off slowly and use just the main communication board for a few weeks to build everyone’s confidence. You can add more words once they are implementing it fairly well. The way I see it: Strong implementation of a basic core board is better than weak implementation of a more robust board. It doesn’t take very long, though, to realize that as versatile as our core word MCB is, there simply... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 6: February, 2016

February 7, 2016 by - 1 Comment

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 6: February, 2016

It’s been a busy week with ATIA 2016 in Orlando. Hope you had moments of AAC inspiration, too! Tuesday: PrAACtical Thoughts on Social Skills Training from the 2016 CARD Conference Wednesday: Video of the Week – Supporting AAC Learning Through Non-Directive Language

5 Presentation Handouts on AAC Topics

May 19, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Presentation Handouts on AAC Topics

AAC people are notorious for their love of professional development. If you haven’t been able to attend as many conferences as you would have liked, you might enjoy these handouts from AAC presentations in the US and Australia. Jane Farrall and Sally Clendon (AGOSCI, May 2015): Self-selected Reading Ashley Robinson (NCACA, 2015): Building Classroom Communities to Support AAC Users Caroline Musselwhite, Erin Sheldon, Deanna Wagner, Laurel Buell, & Gretchen Hanser (Closing the Gap, 2014): Communication Circles Lauren Enders (ATIA, 2014): AAC-Ideas for Infusing Core Language Across the Curriculum Jennifer Buxton (ATIA, 2014): AT Implementation in the School Setting – Struggles and Successes    

More PrAACtical AAC Goals That Matter

April 23, 2015 by - Leave your thoughts

More PrAACtical AAC Goals That Matter

While we may play a variety of roles, a commonality among those of us on teams serving individuals with AAC needs is that we often struggle with developing goals that are meaningful. Let’s work together to develop a list of potential goals that we can reflect on as we work with our clients and their families on a plan for becoming more competent communicators. There are two sections in this post: Qualifiers (for information applying to all goals) and Goal Areas (for actual goals). This is not meant to be a comprehensive list but rather a starting point for a collaborative document. Please join the effort by adding goals in the comment area below or reaching out using our contact form. SECTION 1: QUALIFIERS Each goal can be prefaced with a description of the communicator’s AAC system or the elements of that system can be named. Terms used in this document... [Read More...]