208 Search Results for core boards

Communication Boards Can Be Used For….A Lot

May 11, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Communication Boards Can Do A Lot

When we think of AAC and communication boards or displays, we often think of comprehensive core and fringe words.  We think of a board that will represent the most possible communication functions, vocabulary, and generative language. However, there are many other ways to create and use communication boards. There are many other ways because there are many reasons we communicate and sometimes it is best to create a communication board that focuses on a specific communication need. AAC is not one thing but a system of communication supports, and for most AAC users, there should be a multitude of communication options that will aid in robust communication and language needs. All AAC users should have a comprehensive individual communication display whether low tech (communication book) or high-tech (AAC device or App).  But…. many AAC users will also benefit from communication boards that support a specific communication purpose.  The reason for... [Read More...]

Communication Boards: Colorful Considerations

May 4, 2013 by - 14 Comments

Communication Boards: Colorful Considerations

We love AAC technology and are deeply grateful for the options that are available to people with significant communication difficulties.  We’re strong supporters of voice output systems and the autonomy they give to the children and adults with whom we work. On the other hand, we have great respect and much fondness for the “no tech” communication aids and visual supports. As a student clinician, I made my first conversation book for Sherri, a young lady who had learned Bliss at school but had no communication materials in the institution where she was living. In my days as a clinical fellow, I got ratted out by Davey, a client who used his 100-location Bliss board to tell the supervisor that I gave out seconds on coffee even though the rule was one cup per person. (I knew I should never have taught him interjections!) There’s no doubt – communication boards... [Read More...]

Core Samples

April 29, 2013 by - 13 Comments

Whether we’re working on a project, cooking with new ingredients, or doing something crafty, one of the things we find most helpful is examples. Seeing how other people have approached a situation can be informative and inspiring. Making communication displays for people who use AAC is no different. Most of us appreciate the opportunity to see what our colleagues have done. We provided a number of examples of communication boards and books that are rich in core language in some of our earlier posts. Here are some of them, just in case you missed those posts. Kate Ahern’s Core Vocabulary in 3 Symbol Types (and Core Word Learning Book) via SlideShare Core language board with 20 PCS and 12 PCS by Yvonne Green via SET-BC PCS communication book (core and fringe) from the AT4All Wiki/Barbara Cannon PCS communication book pages in Boardmaker and PDF format by Polk County Public Schools... [Read More...]

More on Core Words…

April 27, 2013 by - 3 Comments

More on Core Words: 36

This month we have talked about core words and teaching strategies & considerations for facilitating USING core language. We have talked about aided language input,  creating frequent opportunities, making connections b/w symbols and their referents, and  motor planning/automaticity.  As April ‘goes out’,  we add graduated prompting/prompt hierarchies, and wait & signal/time delay prompts. The key to teaching AAC core word language is strategies…. Aided language input (ALI) is fairly simple to do but sometimes overlooked.  However, once it becomes habit, it is hard not to do even when you are ‘just’  talking about AAC displays. There are many clinical rationales or reasons why ALI is so important.  It provides a model of the language we expect from the child (or adult), and how would anyone speak a language if they never ‘heard’ it.   ALI also helps by  introducing new words and symbols in meaningful contexts. If we are speaking AAC throughout the day then... [Read More...]

More on Teaching Core Vocabulary

April 20, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

More on Teaching Core Vocabulary

Last week, we talked about two key strategies for teaching core language: using aided language input and creating frequent opportunities to teach and elicit core words. In today’s post, we’ll expand the number of words and discuss two additional considerations for teaching core words. Aided language input is always important in working with beginning users of AAC. It exposes them to their new means of communication, provides them with a competent model of their AAC system, and introduces them to words and symbols they don’t yet know within a meaningful context. It also forces us to slow down when talking, something that can be very beneficial when you consider that many beginning users of AAC also have difficulty processing oral language. (It may take them longer to decode what they’re hearing and they may have to concentrate more than the average kid.) If you’ve actually tried pointing to symbols as... [Read More...]

5 Things to Do If You’re Not Confident Teaching Core Vocabulary

April 8, 2013 by - 2 Comments

5 Things to Do If You’re Not Confident Teaching Core Vocabulary

New to teaching core vocabulary in AAC? On board with the concept? Know that it’s important but find it a little intimidating to teach? Welcome to the club! Actually, it’s quite a big club but you wouldn’t know it because lots of members are still closeted. That’s okay – no one here is going to ‘out’ you. But if you want to move forward in your AAC teaching journey, here are some things to try. Breathe and forgive yourself: It’s easy to feel like everyone else knows this but you. Not true. We tend to beat ourselves up for not being out ahead of the curve, but you know what? It’s not worth it. We’re all a work in progress, so let it go and just start where you are. As one of our favorite eminent scholars** has repeatedly said, “When you know better, you do better.” Get your own... [Read More...]

Teaching Core Vocabulary

April 6, 2013 by - 24 Comments

Teaching Core Vocabulary

Among the many changes that the AAC field has experienced in the last decade is the notion that core vocabulary is (or should be) an integral part of any AAC system. We grew to understand the limitations of AAC supports that consist primarily of nouns and descriptors, realizing that those kinds of communication displays restricted our clients to requesting and labeling. Our field realized the inadequacy of providing only prestored messages (e.g., limited the client’s ability to communicate anything novel, not flexible enough to meet most communication needs, etc.). In essence, we realized that without core vocabulary, we were imposing a ceiling on language development. We’re thrilled to see so many communication boards, books, SGDs, and AAC apps reflect this knowledge. Having tools with the appropriate vocabulary is a big step in the right direction. But to really shatter the ceiling of language development, we have to be good at... [Read More...]

Gearing Up for an AAC-friendly Summer

June 6, 2024 by - Leave your thoughts

Gearing Up for an AAC-friendly Summer

It’s almost time for a change in the seasons here in our part of the world. Today, we’re reaching into the archives for past posts with a summery bent and sharing some resources for summer-themed activities. Take a look. PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: How Do You Know It’s Summer?   A Recipe for Summer AAC   Summer Reading  A Few AAC Blog Suggestions   5 AAC Suggestions  3 Book Suggestions Apps to Prepare, Learn, & Talk About Summer Vacation   Core Words & July 4th: Get Ready, Get Set, Go PrAACtical Summer Activities AAC-friendly Camps Summer Fun with AAC Other Resources for an AAC-friendly Summer From Susan Berkowitz Free Summer Communication Activities Calendar for AAC Speech Therapy  Free AAC Core Vocabulary at the Beach Summer Communication From Ladybug Speech Summer Core Boards AAC From Melissa Clark AAC Core Word Summer Calendar From SLP Collective AAC Bug Hunt – Summer Activity From Traveling Talker Time Summer Polaroid Activity

Cultural-Linguistic AAC: Bilingual Literacy & AAC

December 11, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Cultural-Linguistic AAC: Bilingual Literacy & AAC

Our yearlong series on multilingual AAC support, guest-authored by BilingüeAAC, is drawing to a close. In today’s post, Melissa Tapia and Sarah Lee address AAC, bilingualism, and literacy. BilingüeAAC is a group of SLPs with a shared belief in providing evidence-based intervention strategies and resources to bilingual Spanish AAC clients, families, caregivers, and professionals. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bilingual Literacy & AAC Welcome back to our Bilingue AAC Series! You can find our previous posts linked here, which wonderfully highlight best practices in bilingualism and AAC. (Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5). We are excited to dive into our topic of bilingualism, literacy, and AAC and how we can effectively provide literacy intervention in culturally affirming ways with our Bilingual* AAC users. *Clarification: We address “bilingual populations”; however, the resources discussed are specifically for Spanish/English speaking populations. Several of the suggestions can be broadly applied to other languages. The goal... [Read More...]

AAC Implementation Framework: Step 2, TRAIN

March 13, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Implementation Framework: Step 2, TRAIN

We continue to dive into our AAC Implementation Framework, guest authored by AAC SLP Vicki Clarke. In this post, Vicki discusses the way that she approaches AAC training when working with school teams. She shares lots of prAACtical ideas and resources to use in this process. You can see the earlier posts in the AAC Implementation Framework series using the links below. Steps to Learning Step 1, Determining the Target ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AAC 101 Steps of Learning:  TRAIN In Step Two, we begin the process of training HOW we say the word or message we are targeting.  We are learning where the symbol lives on our AAC system, what it looks or sounds like, the motor sequence to navigate through pages on our AAC applications, and of course, signing or saying the word, if that’s appropriate. The most significant thing to remember at this step is that we are not specifically... [Read More...]