687 Search Results for communication book

AAC Core Vocabulary Instruction: Indirect Teaching Strategies

May 9, 2016 by - 1 Comment

AAC Core Vocabulary Instruction: Indirect Teaching Strategies

  It has been so exciting to see that AAC learners are increasingly provided with communication boards, books, SGDs, and apps that feature a robust set of core vocabulary words. For many years, ‘providing AAC’ used to mean access to topic and choice boards or activity-specific communication displays (ABCDs). Now, we recognize the limitations of those approaches and do our best to move beyond them in favor of more linguistically robust options. AAC systems with core vocabulary that is organized to support the development of a motor plan allows learners to build and grow their skills over time. For a long time, the AAC field has known that providing access to appropriate tools (in this case, a core vocabulary set) is only the first step toward successful use of augmentative communication. Providing it is necessary but not sufficient for most AAC learners to develop any sort of linguistic competence. For... [Read More...]

AAC Strategies Round-up: Aided Language Input

April 29, 2016 by - 4 Comments

We’ve been writing about aided language input, a pivotal strategy for supporting AAC learners, for several years. In fact, there are over 200 posts tagged with this term. In this post, we gather together some of the most popular posts on this fundamental intervention strategy. Implementation  A PrAACtical Idea for Aided Language Input Using Aided Language Input to Build Communication Opportunities! How I Do It: Implementing Aided Language Input with Alicia Garcia Pivotal Skills for AAC Intervention: Aided Language Input How We Do It: Controlled Practice in Partner Augmented Input with Jill Senner & Matthew Baud Text-Based Aided Language: Making the Literacy-Communication Connection for Children with Autism Videos PrAACtical Resources: Video Explainers for Aided Language Input Video of the Week: Aided Language Input with Gail Van Tatenhove Video of the Week: Aided Language Input with Dr. Caroline Musselwhite PrAACtical Resources: Video Examples of Aided Language Input Aided Language Input in... [Read More...]

How We Do It: Controlled Practice in Partner Augmented Input with Jill Senner & Matthew Baud

April 14, 2016 by - 2 Comments


Today, we welcome back Dr. Jill Senner and Matthew Baud to talk about some of their strategies for implementing AAC. They have some great ideas for helping partners better support AAC learners. You can read some of their previous posts here. In the meantime, let’s see how they are helping communication partners develop their AAC facilitation skills. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Most of us already know that evidence-based research supports the use of partner-augmented input (PAI) as an intervention strategy for individuals who use AAC.  However, simply having awareness of a strategy does not mean that one can easily use it.  To quote Jim Knight, “We wouldn’t teach someone to drive by giving them a lecture, tossing them a book, and then turning them loose on the freeway.”    Indeed, in order to learn a new skill, communication partners often need practice.  In fact, one may need to try a new strategy or skill... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Getting Started with PODD

March 30, 2016 by - 2 Comments

Video of the Week: Getting Started with PODD

An increasing number of professionals and families have considered using PODD books with children and adults who have significant communication challenges. In today’s video, we return to the the Angelman Syndrome Foundation (ASF) to view another archived webinar in their amazing series on building communication skills. The presenter, Mary-Louise Bertram, provides a prAACtical overview of the approach with a focus on the logistics of getting started in creating and using PODD books. A highly experienced interventionist, Mary-Louise has supported a great many families and PODD users in her native Australia and around the world. The information she shares in this video is applicable to a wide range of people with AAC needs, and is not limited to children or adults with Angelman Syndrome. Kudos and much gratitude to the ASF for creating the wonderful videos in this series and making them available to all of us. Direct Link to webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_mc6AWQOM0

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: April Fool’s Day

March 24, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

It’s gratifying to hear from so many of you who are including storybook reading in your AAC instruction and therapy. We welcome back Karen Natoci, Assistant Professor and SLP Oregon Health and Science University’s Child Development Rehabilitation Center. She serves on the Neurodevelopment and Rett Evaluation teams and has a caseload of children with Complex Communication Needs and AAC. Karen tells us that “I know very well the feeling of being overwhelmed by the high needs of students with complex communication needs and will readily admit that you have to have a very large ‘toolbox’ of ideas!” Currently, she is on the charter development team to create the Communication Matrix- Virtual Community of Practice with Charity Rowland. At the end of the day, Karen enjoys running, practicing piano, and exploring Portland and the Oregon coast. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Book: April Fool’s Day Written and Illustrated by Dee Smith (Also available from Deesignery.com) Core Vocabulary focus:  Look,... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week 11: March, 2016

March 13, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Let’s make this a great week for AAC collaboration, support, and sharing. Monday – PrAACtical Site of the Month: Loudoun County Public Schools AT Team Wednesday – Video of the Week: Infusing AAC Core Vocabulary into Interactive Storybook Reading Thursday – Learning About Augmentative Communication Empowerment and Support (ACES)

PrAACtical Site of the Month: Loudoun County Public Schools AT Team

March 7, 2016 by - 1 Comment

PrAACtical Site of the Month: Loudoun County Public Schools AT Team

For our March Site of the Month, we return to the public school system, this time to Loudoun County, Virginia. The AT Program has amassed an impressive set of resources, many of which are listed on their web page. We’ve featured posts by some of their AT trainers, such as Chris Bugaj, Judie Schoonover, and Sally Norton-Darr, who’ve written on the use of podcasts and on their approach to professional development. There are lots more resources on the LCPS AT website for you to explore. Their AT Strategy-A-Day Calendar is not to be missed. AT team members with expertise in a variety of areas collaborate to create a new calendar every year, and they are always full of great tips, information, and resources. You can view it online or, if you are very lucky, win a printed copy at one of their many workshops and presentations. Bonus: They also share the template so... [Read More...]

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: Are You My Mother?

February 15, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtically Reading with Karen Natoci: Are You My Mother?

We get many requests to do more posts on providing AAC supports to children who use alternative access. Karen Natoci must have read my mind when she wrote this month’s PrAACtically Reading post because she gave us lots of ideas for shared reading with a child who is learning to use eye gaze for communication. The book that she chose is a P.D. Eastman classic that many of us remember from our own childhoods. Happy reading! Shared Reading Using Eye Gaze Book: Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman CORE Words to practice using: you, want, where, look, more, no, go, like, oh no! mine FRINGE Words to practice using: Animal names, mother, snort!! I am happy to share this lesson plan to describe the integration of early eye gaze and switch use to foster engagement while reading the delightful book, Are you My Mother? (authored by P.D. Eastman). Today, I chose... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Thoughts on Challenging Behavior and Emotional Regulation from the 2016 CARD Conference

February 8, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Thoughts on Challenging Behavior and Emotional Regulation from the 2016 CARD Conference

Last month, I had an opportunity to hear Dr. Barry Prizant, Director of Childhood Communication Services and Adjunct Professor at Brown University, at the 2016 Center for Autism and Related Disabilities Conference. Many of you know Dr. Prizant as co-author of SCERTS, the Social Communication Emotional Regulation Transactional Supports Program, and his recent book, Uniquely Human, discussed in this video. At this conference, he spoke on ‘An Emotional Regulation Approach to Preventing Problem Behavior.’ Here are some points of interest from his presentation. Dr. Prizant suggested that when someone is dysregulated, the first thing we should think about is biological factors that may be causing or exacerbating the problem. Why? Because unless we address the root of the problem, chances are slim that any behavioral, communicative, or psychological strategies will be effective in the long run.  In some cases, there is a rather straightforward solution, such as teaching our client... [Read More...]

PrAACtically Reading: A House for Hermit Crab

January 18, 2016 by - 2 Comments

PrAACtically Reading: A House for Hermit Crab

Storybook reading is rich with potential for building AAC, language, and literacy skills. An added bonus: It’s an activity that educators, therapists, and families can all use and enjoy. In this post, we explore ways to use A House for Hermit Crab, by Eric Carle, for AAC and language learning. Key Instructional Strategies Having an engaging book gives us a good start on the lesson, but the learning comes from the interaction. Shared reading can be done in therapy one-on-one or as a group in class. Either way, the adult leading the activity will need to be well-versed in instructional strategies that facilitate AAC learning. These include: Aided language input  RAAP  Feedback  Goal Areas: Language and Communication There are lots and lots of ways to use this book for literacy learning, but in this post we’ll focus more on the development of communication and language skills. Here are some goal... [Read More...]