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32 AAC Posts You May Have Missed, October 2012

November 28, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

33 AAC Posts You May Have Missed, October 2012

PrAACtical Goals That Matter It’s All About Us Free & Lite Versions of AAC Apps + App Selection Resources Beyond Behavior Problems: How Visual Supports Can Help Our AAC Teaching Fire Safety Week Over, Need to Learn Strategies is Not Watch What You Heat- Fire Safety 3 Communication-Behavior Visual Support Power Tools Simple Start: Visual Supports for Places Around School Ain’t No Stopping Us Now! Video of the Week No Introduction Needed A PrAACtical Look at Getting Started with AAC Symbols Creative Uses of the iPod for Students Who Use AAC Video of the Week: Helping Hands + Visual Supports A PrAACtical Look at the Incredible 5-Point Scale Strategy of the Month Avoiding Insanity: AAC & the Pace of Change Strategy of the Month: Building Acceptance of AAC The Path to Acceptance AAC & Change: Some Thoughts on Influencing Behavior Building Acceptance for AAC: Sharing Information AAC Awareness Month Global... [Read More...]

Complete Vocabulary Instruction Ideas & Activities

November 24, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Complete Vocabulary Instruction Ideas & Activities

We love incorporating new vocabulary into fun motivating activities even when we are doing direct vocabulary instruction.  We embed new vocabulary in activities using all of the language modalities- reading, writing, talking, and listening. We use planned vocabulary instruction activities as well as unexpected opportunities to embed new vocabulary.  We like to stay within the theme of vocabulary learning but try and stay flexible in case a perfect opportunity arises that allows us to reflect back on an old vocabulary theme or mention a future planned theme.  The main goal of direct vocabulary instruction is more than learning a new list of words, it is learning robust word knowledge so that language skills can be broadened.    Consider these vocabulary instruction steps by Robert Marzano. These steps were not specifically developed for AAC users but if we add a language focus and a little more fun and active participation, they... [Read More...]

Vocabulary Learning Materials & AAC Strategies

November 20, 2012 by - 2 Comments

Vocabulary Instruction Materials & AAC Strategies Title

We are super big fans of Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT).   We need the PrAACtical resources that TPT offers.  In addition to paying ridiculously low prices for some great teaching materials and cool classroom resources, there are also many free options.  Check out these free vocabulary resources and have lots of fun.  As always, the materials are only as good as the teaching strategies that go with them. As we check out these awesome vocabulary resources,  we will use the following guiding principles and we will create appropriate communication opportunities for ALL learners to participate in direct vocabulary instruction. Active Participation for Everyone– Make sure all learners can make choices within the activity, respond to questions, add information, request clarification, and even ask for a break if they need it.  To do this we will need one hit message devices, visual supports, individual and group communication displays, choice boards, switches, etc.... [Read More...]

Explicitly Speaking: Vocabulary Teaching in AAC

November 20, 2012 by - 1 Comment

Explicitly Speaking: Vocabulary Teaching in AAC

An essential part of the model we shared for AAC semantic intervention is Step 2, teaching the new words with explicit instruction activities. In our posts, explicit instruction refers to the process of designing and using carefully planned sequence of empirically-supported teaching activities. Though focused on reading, not vocabulary, development, this PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Anita Archer gives an excellent overview of the characteristics of explicit instruction. In our initial teaching of new words, we to be sure that the learners have frequent opportunities to respond: Active participation is critical at this point. We have to give the learner a lot of opportunities to say the word (e.g.,“resume”) and tell about it (e.g., “keep going,” “start again and not stop,” “verb”, etc.). We want to elicit a lot of responses so that we can monitor their performance. That allows us to provide feedback that is affirmative when the learners respond... [Read More...]

Building Word Consciousness: Vocabulary Instruction in AAC

November 17, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Building Word Consciousness: Vocabulary Instruction in AAC

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. Plutarch Last week, Robin discussed some strategies and activities for teaching new words to individuals who are at the earlier stages of language learning. This week, we move ahead and address semantic instruction for individuals who regularly create sentences to express themselves. One of my favorite things about working with AAC learners at this level is the opportunity for having metalinguistic conversations. Getting them to think and talk about language can accelerate their learning. Here are some prAACtical thoughts on how this relates to semantics with a focus on building word consciousness. We’re all familiar with music appreciation and art appreciation. I always think of word consciousness as a sort of like word appreciation. It refers to an awareness that words are the building blocks of language and that they can be examined and manipulated... [Read More...]

Tell Me About It: Focused Language Stimulation In AAC Vocabulary Teaching

November 7, 2012 by - 2 Comments

Tell Me About It: Focused Language Stimulation In AAC Vocabulary Teaching

Earlier this month, we introduced a general sequence of how we conceptualize semantic instruction. We promised to elaborate on that. There are two things that I really love about this approach to to vocabulary teaching. The first is that is honors a principle that we know to be true: providing repetition with variety not only helps us reach learners with different strengths, but also gives our AAC learners much-needed practice. The other thing that makes this really work for us is that assessment has an active role but not a central one. Testing takes a backseat to teaching. As we all know, getting accurate assessment information from people who are learning their AAC systems is a huge challenge. Often, our AAC friends don’t have decent test-taking skills so we’re not really testing what we think we’re testing. Just last week I got to see Kristofer, an adorable little fellow who... [Read More...]

Avaz AAC App & Vocabulary Learning

November 5, 2012 by - 1 Comment

PrAACtical Thinking Avaz AAC App and Vocabulary Learning

We originally talked about Avaz, the first commercially available AAC app developed in India, back when we introduced PrAACtical AAC in January of 2012.  At that time, one of the primary developers, Ajit Narayanan, was recognized by the MIT Technology Review through the prestigious TR35 List, which applauds 35 innovators under 35 years of age. We were congratulating the team at Invention Labs and thinking that they would continue to improve communication for individuals with disabilities throughout 2012. They have succeeded.  The Avaz team has worked this year seeking feedback from AAC professionals throughout the world. They have listened and have made many updates to improve the communication and language options of the Avaz App. We thought this was a great time for some follow-up information because many of the modifications and added options relate to vocabulary, which just happens to be our strategy of the month. Pre-loaded vocabulary has... [Read More...]

Fire Safety Week Over, Need to Learn Strategies is Not

October 15, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Week is over now but the need to learn fire safety strategies is NOT.  If you missed these great fire safety resources, here they are to help you prepare for an fire emergency    The 3 P’s to Keep Your Kid Safe During an Emergency    Sensory Breaks & Learning Activities   Firefighters are being Educated in Auburn                On-Line Fire Safety Games for Kids        How To Teach and Present Information, Lesson Plans, and Visual Supports for children and adults with Intellectual Disabilities        For Teachers and SLPS                Fire Rescue– an app for children that teaches the basics of fire safety through games, mazes, puzzles, matching, and more               Apples 4 Teacher- kids fire prevention activities and information    

5 Great Tips, Tricks & Teaching Ideas- Fire Protection Week

October 8, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

5 Great Tips, Tricks, and Teaching Ideas

It is National Fire Protection Week October 7-13, 2012. Check Out These 5  Great Tips, Tricks, and Teaching Ideas:  Sensory Breaks & Learning Activities  Firefighters are being Educated in Auburn   On-Line Fire Safety Games for Kids How To Teach and Present Information, Lesson Plans, and Visual Supports for children and adults with Intellectual Disabilities For Teachers and SLPS      

Turn Taking

September 16, 2012 by - Leave your thoughts

Turn Taking Banner

We’re always looking for new ways to represent things visually. Today, we’re sharing an idea from Amy Laurent on helping children take turns. You can view a video explaining the strategy she uses and download the visual support here.