440 Search Results for VISUAL SUPPORTS

Narrative Assessment and People who Use AAC

March 16, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Narrative Assessment and People who Use AAC

This month, we’ve been talking about building narrative skills in our AAC clients. We tried to build the case that including narrative language goals in our intervention allows us to help people who use AAC to participate more fully in social exchanges, relay more in-depth information, and achieve greater academic success. But how do we know where to start in narrative intervention? And how do we measure progress? In this post, we share some thoughts on the assessment of narrative language in AAC. Most test batteries that assess narrative language are designed to take a snapshot of what the learner has already mastered in terms of telling personal narratives, story retelling, or scripts. This allows us to look beyond MLU, morphology, and grammar and can be useful in determining whether intervention is needed. Some scholars, however, have noted the limitations of this “one shot” approach, particularly for learners whose communication... [Read More...]

Daylight Savings Time & PrAACtical Behavior

March 15, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Daylight Savings TIme & PrAACtical Behavior

We have noticed that daylight savings time has been difficult for some of the learners that we know (for more about this see Karla Fisher’s ASD page). Sleep patterns seem to have been out of whack which in turn may lead to some re-emergence of behaviors that may pose challenges in speech-language sessions.  However, instead of getting frustrated, this is the time to get more organized, teach more high priority communication (“need an extra break today”), and in some ways be more flexible. Be prepared to use the visual supports that keep learners focused, highly interested, and organized.  By staying with the basics, there will be no need to sacrifice in AAC & language learning time.   Remember to Use: Choice Boards– Give lots of choices. When we choose what we do, we are more likely to be interested and participatory. The session goals can remain the same but a... [Read More...]

PrAACtical AAC & Personal Narratives

March 9, 2013 by - 2 Comments

PrAActical AAC & Personal Narratives

Personal narratives are the first story skills that develop. They tell about ourselves and our connection to activities, places, and events. They tell about how we feel about people and experiences. Personal narratives help us structure and organize the events of our lives and even become a way of thinking about ourselves and our identities. We know many AAC users have significant difficulty with narratives. We always wonder though, is it a function of language difficulty or of access, exposure, and PrAACtice or more likely a combination.  There are key intervention strategies that help AAC learners be able to tell personal narratives. You probably won’t be surprised by what strategies work but the research from Gloria Soto and colleagues has shown us that when applied to personal narratives, AAC users can be competent story tellers. Some Thoughts on Personal Narrative Assessment Even before assessment of the AAC learner, in all fairness,... [Read More...]

10 AAC Things to do for PrAACtically Free in 10 Minutes or Less

March 6, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

10 AAC Things to do for Free in 10 Minutes or Less

  Subscribe to a blog with an AAC focus– Spectronics Blogs, Uncommon Sense, Jane Farrall Consulting, PrAACtical AAC Program a one hit message device and use it for a new reason– 101+ Things to do with a Big Mac or Other Single Message Communication Devices Follow an AAC topic Pinterest board– PrAACtical AAC, AAC by Katie Ahern, AT/AAC/Adapt/Modify/Accessibility/Accommodations, AT for Communication, AAC by Constantly Speaking, Communication-AAC Print out and hang up or give someone an AAC Awareness Image– 10 Commandments of AAC Devices, AAC It’s as Easy as 1,2,3 Register for a free AAC professional development webinar from Ablenet Print out an AAC Poster– AAC Boot Camp-Getting AAC Users to Communicate, The Periodic Table of AAC, Learn about technology and apps for AAC and learning from Pinterest– Lauren Enders Pinterest Boards, Tech in Special Education Print out song visual supports Read a Tar Heel Reader Book with an AAC learner... [Read More...]

28 Posts You May Have Missed From February

March 5, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

28 Posts You May Have Missed from February

Strategy of the Month Beyond Requesting: Thoughts on Teaching Information Transfer Beyond Requesting: PrAACtical Scripts to Teach Conversations Beyond Requesting: Thoughts on Teaching Interrogatives Beyond Requesting: Let’s Chat with Peers PrAACtical Thinking Language Experience Surveys: 8 Fun Ideas 14 Valentine’s Day Activities: Love, Literacy, & Learning Flip Book Love Angelman Awareness Day It Gives Me the Feeling of Love Inclusion & Jewish Disability Awareness Month What’s New? VIVIVOCA Math, Science, and AAC The ‘Real’ Pre-requisites to AAC Device Use The Joy of Reading: World Book Day PrAACtical Thoughts About Graphic Organizers AACtual Therapy & How I Do It Teaching the Use of Social Phrases and Comments Fun & Functional Vocabulary Supporting Teachers of Students with AAC Needs Essential Tricks for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 1 Video of the Week Ted Carr on Challenging Behavior in ASD A Language Lost PrAACtical Puppet Power The Importance of Using Visual Supports Conference... [Read More...]

How We Do It: Essential TRICKs for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 1

February 28, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

How We Do It: Essential TRICKs for Supporting AAC in Schools, Part 1

When I first moved to Florida almost 20 years ago, there was a plethora of AAC trainings for special educators, school-based SLPs, and other related service personnel. The AAC professionals in the Orange County area could always be counted on for top-notch information and engaging presentations that kept all of us learning and growing. Florida since moved into a different model for professional development in AT and I am still mourning the loss of access to this fabulous team. We are so lucky that they agreed to share some of their ‘Go – To’ resources with us in this post. The OCPS AT Team has 5 TRICKS to share with us and all of them are very prAACtical. In this post, they share the first two (stay tuned for the other 3 TRICKS in a future post). Get ready to check out their prAACtical ideas and download some of their... [Read More...]

PrAACtical Thoughts About Graphic Organizers

February 27, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

PrAACtical Thoughts About Graphic Organizers

With our love of visually-based communication, it should come as no surprise that we were happy to come across this blog post by Ryan Knobloch. For starters, it’s always gratifying to see examples of how visual supports work for all types of learners in all types of situations. Making language visible is a good thing for all of us. Graphic organizers are one way to add clarity in AAC therapy sessions. It got us to thinking about how to make them accessible to learners with AAC needs by scanning them and making them into forms, for example. We also started reflecting on what goals could be supported through the use of this strategy. Semantic development and building stronger narrative skills immediately came to mind. Do you use graphic organizers in your work with AAC learners? We’d love to hear about it.

Beyond Requesting: Let’s Chat with Peers

February 23, 2013 by - 4 Comments

Beyond requesting Let's Chat with Peers

As we wrap up the February Strategy of the Month, we need to add strategies for helping AAC users talk/chat with peers. For some learners, it is more about providing access and opportunity while for others, it is more about providing a platform for the social awareness and exchange. However, for all  learners who need assistance in ‘chatting’, there are many goals and strategies that will help.   Setting the Foundation for Social Exchanges with Peers Provide frequent opportunities for peers to communicate with each other- Build in many opportunities within all (or almost all) activities for generic small talk, gossiping, & chatting. Create activities that have’ built in’ communication with peers- develop activities that require communication with peers to make the activity work. Instead of having all communication directed at the adults/facilitators in the room, have the learners talk to peers to take steps in the activity. Set up... [Read More...]

Inclusion & Jewish Disability Month

February 19, 2013 by - Leave your thoughts

Inclusion & Jewish Disability Awareness Month

February 2013 is the 5th annual Jewish Disability Awareness Month.  In honor of inclusion into a Jewish education and life we wanted to share some resources that will help support full participation for everyone.  Keep in mind though,  the idea of inclusion transcends a specific religion and all of the resources here can customized and used to welcome ALL families. A Virtual Book Club Webinar:   Now I See The Moon- A Mother, A Son, A Miracle    **Definitely Worth Watching (great story and learn how inclusive programming was created where there was none)** Jewish Disability Awareness Facebook Page Gateway Access to Jewish Education Visual Supports for Passover, Shabbat, High Holidays, Chanukah, & Purim. Jewish Disability Awareness Month Guide Children’s Book’s About Disability  

Beyond Requesting: Thoughts on Teaching Interrogatives

February 16, 2013 by - 2 Comments

Beyond Requesting: Thoughts on Teaching Interrogatives

. A few weeks ago we talked about AAC intervention to teach someone how to convey information that others want or need. Giving instructions, answering comprehension questions, and retelling a story all fit into the Light’s category of ‘information transfer.’ Communicating in order to give information is only part of that story. Today, we complete the story by talking about getting information from others. Not all questions are about getting information, of course. We also ask questions for other reasons, like getting something we want or need (e.g., “May I have a drink, please?”) and socializing with friends/family (e.g., “How was your weekend?” “What did you do for your birthday?”).  But in this post, we focus on interrogatives that serve the purpose of getting needed information from a communication partner. Many times when we think of interrogatives in language therapy, the focus is on answering them accurately and appropriately. The skill... [Read More...]