448 Search Results for autism

“But he doesn’t like anything!” 5 Tools for Identifying Motivators and Reinforcement

October 14, 2016 by - 2 Comments

“But he doesn’t like anything!” 5 Tools for Identifying Motivators and Reinforcement

One of the best ways to enhance our teaching is to understand and respect the things that motivate our learners. We are all motivated by different things, though, and sometimes it can be hard to figure out the specifics of what a particular learner likes well enough for it to be used as reinforcement. Sometimes it’s easy. We all know kids who would do anything for [iPad time; Thomas the Tank Engine, Super Why, Pokemon, Hello Kitty] or [you fill in the blank]. We can use those in formal and informal ways to keep these learners motivated and engaged. And that’s important because, often, what we are asking them to do is hard. But sometimes, we work with people for whom those ‘magic motivators’ aren’t so clear. The ‘typical’ reinforcers don’t seem to work for those folks, and that can slow down progress. How can we figure out what motivates... [Read More...]

AAC and Visual Supports for Storms and Hurricanes: 10 Useful Resources

October 5, 2016 by - 1 Comment

AAC and Visual Supports for Storms and Hurricanes: 10 Useful Resources

With Hurricane Matthew bearing down on us, we began thinking about ways to support people with significant communication challenges. Here are a few resources that you might find helpful. Hurricane Matthew is Coming! by UCF CARD It is Hurricane Season by Autism Educators  Hurricane Preparation by Mary Grace Hektner via Boardmaker Online (need Boardmaker to use)  What Is A Hurricane? by Mary Grace Hektner via Boardmaker Online (need Boardmaker to use)  Tornado Vocabulary by Mary Grace Hektner via Boardmaker Online (need Boardmaker to use)  Storm Social Narrative by Sandy K via Boardmaker Online (need Boardmaker to use)  Making a Thunder Box from the Practially Speeching blog Webinar on Disaster Preparedness for People with Complex Communication Needs by AAC RERC  Emergency Preparedness for Children with Autism from the Preparedness Mama Emergency Communication Board by Temple University Institute on Disabilities English  Spanish  Haitian Creole  Stay safe out there!

Teach Me Tuesday: CoughDrop

October 4, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Teach Me Tuesday - CoughDrop

We’re back with another post featuring learning resources about AAC apps, software, and SGDs. This week, we’ll look at CoughDrop, an open source AAC program, and hear from a young clinician who uses it in her work. If you are new to CoughDrop, consider taking a little time to get to know it using the links below. Ready to explore? Here are some resources to get you started. Video overview Links to various versions: iOS  app; Android app; Windows 64-bit; Windows 32-bit; Kindle app Video Tutorials Where to go for help: Support Requests; Contact page; Frequently Asked Questions My Experience with CoughDrop by Samantha Cutler Primarily, I’d like to issue a disclaimer that I am in no way affiliated with CoughDrop nor do I receive any financial gain from them. It is merely a program that I enjoy using and I wanted to share my experience with the AAC community. In the... [Read More...]

13 Ways to Celebrate AAC Awareness Month

October 3, 2016 by - 1 Comment

13 Ways to Celebrate AAC Awareness Month

Need some ideas for celebrating AAC Awareness Month? Here are a few to get you started. Participate on the #USSAAC Twitterchat on 10/13 at 7:00 pm EDT (UTC−04:00). New to Twitterchats? You can learn more here. The wonderful Chris Bugaj will be moderating. Subscribe to a blog with an AAC content, such as Uncommon Sense, Jane Farrall Consulting, AAC Girls, or Superpower Speech Follow a new AAC topical Pinterest board from Lauren Enders and others:  AAC and AT, AT/AAC/Adapt/Modify/Accessibility/Accommodations, AT for Communication, SLP AAC, & AugComm, AAC by Constantly Speaking, Communication-AAC Print, hang, or give someone an AAC awareness image, 10 Commandments of AAC Devices, or 5 Tips for Communicating with Nonverbal Student Register for a free AAC professional development webinar from Ablenet University Print out an AAC Poster, like Lauren Enders’ AAC Boot Camp-Getting AAC Users to Communicate or Kate Ahern’s The Periodic Table of AAC, Explore an AAC app or SGD that is new to you Print out song visual... [Read More...]

Teach Me Tuesday: Snap Scene and Pathways

September 20, 2016 by - 8 Comments

Teach Me Tuesday: Snap Scene and Pathways

We’re excited to hear from an increasing number of you who are exploring the use of visual scene (VSD) displays. In today’s post, we share some resources for one of the newest VSD apps, Snap Scene from Tobii Dynavox. Come learn along with us! Links to various versions of Snap Scene: Windows, I-Series, T-Series Full/Lite Version, iTunes Full Version, iTunes Lite Version Product overview Video demonstration Brochure Using Snap Scene at Home Snap Scene and Autism Pathways Companion App (free): Manuals, instructional videos, and other resources are available here Where to go for help: Phone – USA & Canada: 1-800-344-1778; UK: +44 114 307 23 64;Other countries:  +46 8 522 950 20 Email – support.na@tobiidynavox.com

Five AAC and Related Resources to Explore

September 12, 2016 by - Leave your thoughts

Five AAC and Related Resources to Explore

From time to time, we get questions about resources for different aspects of AAC. Here are a few eclectic documents, presentations, and web logs that we’ve shared recently that might also be of interest to some of you. Happy exploring! AAC Basics and Implementation: How to Teach Students who “Talk with Technology” by Paul Visvader of the Boulder Valley School District AT Team  Using Visual Supports to Enhance Participation and Decrease Challenging Behavior in Individuals with Autism and CCN by Kimberly Ho  Fiona Writes Fiction (or Why AAC-Using Kids Need Word Play) by Heather Kirn Lanier  Communication Milestones (LinguaSystems) by Janet Lanza and Lynn Flahive  Limitless Stylus for People with Limited Hand Mobility by Venkat Rao

AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: AAC Skills Assessment for Direct Selectors

August 31, 2016 by - 1 Comment

AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: AAC Skills Assessment for Direct Selectors

The month of August is almost over and we’ve saved the best for last. The month wouldn’t seem complete without hearing more of Vicki Clarke’s ideas on AAC assessment. In addition to many other things, Vicki’s practice, Dynamic Therapy Associates, does 50+ of these evaluations each year, both in the clinic and in school settings. In this post, Vicki shares some thoughts on assessing the AAC skills of people who use direct selection. As always, she packs in a lot of information and generously provides the protocol and data collection forms that she uses. You can explore some of her previous posts in the AAC Assessment Corner series here. * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AAC Skills Assessment for Direct Selectors I spent the morning with a great group of students at the University of Georgia (UGA) in Dr. Satterfield’s AAC class.  I was asked to talk with them about AAC assessment with an emphasis on... [Read More...]

Make It Monday: More Words, Please! Expanding Our Manual Communication Boards

July 18, 2016 by - 2 Comments

Make It Monday: More Words, Please! Expanding Our Manual Communication Boards

It’s another Make It Monday, our series on preparing core vocabulary materials for use with AAC learners. When we left off last week, we selected or created manual communication boards (MCBs) with a starter set of core words. Today, we pick up that thread by adding more words. If you are working with teams that are new to AAC implementation, have a difficult time with change, or are showing resistance to this “whole AAC thing,” you might want to start off slowly and use just the main communication board for a few weeks to build everyone’s confidence. You can add more words once they are implementing it fairly well. The way I see it: Strong implementation of a basic core board is better than weak implementation of a more robust board. It doesn’t take very long, though, to realize that as versatile as our core word MCB is, there simply... [Read More...]

AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: AAC Assessment for Emergent Communicators

June 1, 2016 by - 3 Comments

AAC Assessment Corner with Vicki Clarke: AAC Assessment for Emergent Communicators

Today, we welcome back Vicki Clarke with more helpful information on conducting AAC assessments. If you work with individual who are at the early stages of communicative development, this post is for you! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Some of my most favorite students are those who, at first, may not seem to notice me at all.   Sometimes these students seem to exist in their own worlds.  They don’t seem to respond in ways we would expect: looking, attending, listening, or gesturing.  They may have a diagnosis of Autism, significant developmental delay, epilepsy, or any number of syndromes. I love these kids, and unfortunately, these are often the students who don’t get referred to me.  Sometimes it takes years of working in a district before I get to see students with significant developmental delays.  These children are typically served in classrooms for students considered to be severe/profound or multi-handicapped.  Honestly, I usually get the... [Read More...]