53 Search Results for angelman

Video of the Week: Getting Started with AAC Using the Motivate, Model, & Move Out of the Way Approach

April 5, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Getting Started with AAC Using the Motivate, Model, & Move Out of the Way Approach

There is an art and a science to supporting families who are getting started with AAC or rebooting their AAC plan. In today’s featured video, we learn from veteran AAC/AT specialist and special educator Kate Ahern. Many thanks to Kate and The Angelman Academy for this helpful presentation. Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50M-DQOSVa4

2023: A PrAACtical New Year

January 2, 2023 by - Leave your thoughts

2023: A PrAACtical New Year

With 2022 in the rear-view mirror, we’re excited to welcome some prAACtical additions in the New Year. Here are a few things to watch for in the months to come. AAC Implementation Series PrAACtical AAC contributor Vicki Clarke will be back with a limited series on strengthening our AAC practices. Here’s what she shared about the direction of this series. The journey from acquiring an AAC system to using it to communicate autonomously is a long one, with many different routes. Knowing where to begin is a challenge for all of us!   AAC 101 Steps of Learning Process is our effort to define this process in our schools, to help professionals and families support their students. In this series of posts, we are considering 5 steps, to move from training to talking, offering a defined path for you and your student learner. Learning to communicate is a shared journey between... [Read More...]

Stepping Into AAC

December 30, 2022 by - Comments Off on Stepping Into AAC

Stepping into AAC: Welcome!

Stepping into AAC is a joint project between the Angelman Syndrome Foundation and PrAACtical AAC. You can access the project information and materials through either site. Access Stepping into AAC through the Angelman Syndrome Foundation site: Click here. Access Stepping into AAC on PrAACtical AAC: Click here.   Stepping Into AAC Team Principal Investigator: Carole Zangari Video Manager and Signposts Creator: Tabi Jones Wohleber Graphics and AACtion Steps Creator: Rachael Langley Videography, Audio, and Editing: Michaela Ball Travelog Contributing Author: Krista Hadeed Larson Additional Videography: Zack Hoaglund

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 44: October 2022

October 30, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 44: October 2022

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. We have some posts for you to explore. Monday – PrAACtically Halloween: 10 AAC-related Printables Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: AAC Overview for Individuals with Angelman Syndrome   Thursday – November Year of Core Vocabulary & School Year of Core Vocabulary Words :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ready for a little more AAC exploring? Here are a handful of suggestions. Core Values: Suggestions for Language Building with AAC Learners Video of the Week: Supporting AAC Learning Through Non-Directive Language Supporting Language Growth in AAC Learners, Part 1 Supporting Language Growth in AAC Learners, Part 2 Supporting Language Growth in AAC Learners, Part 3 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Before you go, we invite you to contribute to a parent resource project focusing on Angelman Syndrome. If that is of interest, click here to get started or on the images below for more information. Small stipends are provided for any... [Read More...]

Video of the Week: Video Models & Visual Supports for AAC

September 7, 2022 by - Leave your thoughts

Video of the Week: Video Models & Visual Supports for AAC

Video modeling and visual supports are evidence-based instructional strategies that don’t get as much attention as they deserve. In today’s post, we feature AAC/AT specialist and special educator Kate Ahern, of AAC Voices, in a video that provides helpful information and tips for implementing these strategies. Thanks to Kate and the Angelman Academy for making this wonderful webinar available.  Direct Link to Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSpzHt_yN6A&ab_channel=AngelmanAcademy

AAC Devices & Apps Without an Evaluation: A Few Questions to Ask

December 20, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Devices & Apps Without an Evaluation: A Few Questions to Ask

In a perfect world, everyone who needs AAC would participate in a comprehensive assessment to guide the selection of what SGD and/or AAC app will best meet their needs. That evaluation would include a records review, interviews with key stakeholders, observation, direct assessment, and a period of trial use with the communication aids that seem to be the best fit. It’s a complex and time-consuming endeavor, but the feature match process has been the gold standard for AAC device/app selection for several decades. At times, this process is skipped in favor of a quicker approach.  Bhodie’s school team already supports several other students with AAC needs and most of them use a popular AAC app on an iPad. Since they are already familiar with that tool and it seems to be working well for other students, they tried it with Bhodie, too. He was successful in using it to request... [Read More...]

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 34: August 2021

August 22, 2021 by - Leave your thoughts

AAC Posts from PrAACtical Week # 34: August 2021

Happy Sunday, AAC friends. Here are some posts you may have missed in your busy week. Monday – AAC in Secondary School: 5 Progress Monitoring Tips for Secondary Students Tuesday – AAC Link Up Wednesday – Video of the Week: Communication Basics in Angelman Syndrome Thursday – 3 Resources for an AAC-friendly School Year ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: While you’re here, take a look at some of these posts from the archives. Write to Talk with Dr. Caroline Musselwhite Sound/Music Cause and Effect Apps for Engaging AAC Learners Beyond the Basics: Thoughts On Effective Language Instruction for AAC Learners When Materials Aren’t Effective in AAC Teaching: 5 Things to Try When Students are Reluctant to Use AAC: 5 Things to Try