1788 Search Results for video of the week

Growing AAC Professionals: When Learning Meets Service

May 21, 2020 by - 2 Comments

Growing AAC Professionals: When Learning Meets Service

Teaching AAC to future SLPs is a longstanding passion of mine so when a fellow instructor, Vicki Haddix, reached out to talk about the AAC projects her graduate students had done, I knew that I wanted to share them with you. In today’s post, Vicki, a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis, tells us about her most recent students and their projects. The materials they created can be used by parents and professionals alike. Make sure to check out the link at the bottom to access the full array of materials that these talented students created. Enjoy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: As a professor, it’s always exciting when you see the great work that graduate students are doing and think about the potential that they are bringing to the field. I’ve taught the AAC class at the University of Memphis’s SLP graduate program for 5 spring semesters, and I always learn... [Read More...]

TELL ME About It: AAC Learning with ‘The Lunch Box Surprise’!

May 11, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

TELL ME About It: AAC Learning with ‘The Lunch Box Surprise’!

Reading with preschoolers is a great way to build language and AAC skills. Today, we share another post in the TELL ME About It series on incorporating AAC, language, and literacy support with young learnes.. Maggie Judson and Jeanna Antrim are back with more great ideas for AAC intervention, this time focusing on the book, Come Out and Play, Little Mouse. Maggie and Jeanna are speech-language pathologists who work in the Assistive Technology Department for the Belleville Area Special Services Cooperative (BASSC) in central Illinois. They are AT/AAC facilitators and provide evaluations, direct therapy, consultations, and trainings. To read more about how this team prepares for a TELL ME week, check out their previous posts in the TELL ME About It series. Come Out and Play, Little Mouse No, David Go Away Big Green Monster What Do You Like? Here Are My Hands From Head to Toe I Went Walking... [Read More...]

Parent Coaching & Tele-AAC

May 7, 2020 by - 1 Comment

Parent Coaching & Tele-AAC

If I had a crystal ball, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it told us that telepractice in AAC is here to stay. My guess is that when schools and clinics re-open there will still be a role for remote AAC services. That’s why I am so pleased that guest authors Jill Senner and Matthew Baud are returning to these pages to share their approach to using tele-AAC to educate and coach parents. Tele-AAC for All With social distancing, local shelter in place orders, and general concerns about the health of our high-risk clients who use AAC, most of us have made an abrupt transition to providing AAC therapy via telehealth.  Doing direct therapy using video conferencing platforms might be going swimmingly for some clients who will sit and attentively gaze at the books, games, and other materials you present remotely.  However, what about your younger clients?  Or kiddos... [Read More...]

Connecting Intubated Patients with Loved Ones: Co-VidSpeak

April 30, 2020 by - Leave your thoughts

Connecting Intubated Patients with Loved Ones: Co-VidSpeak

One of the most heartbreaking aspects of the Covid-19 situation is the necessity of separating desperately ill patients from their loved ones. In most instances, visitors are not allowed or are severely limited. The sense of isolation makes this terrible situation worse, both for patients and for families. So several weeks ago when I first saw the prototype for Co-VidSpeak, I could instantly see its potential to make life more tolerable for patients who are unable to speak and their families. In today’s post, you can learn more about Co-VidSpeak from its founders, Bill Binko (LessonPix) and Brian Whitmer (CoughDrop) who are offering this at no cost to eligible individuals. If you are so inclined, please consider supporting their efforts through a donation (details below). Another way that you can make a meaningful contribution to these efforts is to share this with healthcare providers, especially those with decision-making power in... [Read More...]